DMR Reporting
NetDMR is an electronic reporting tool used in the United States to manage Clean Water Act Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs). It allows facilities regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to submit their DMRs electronically to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or state environmental agencies.
The goal of NetDMR is to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and transparency of the DMR reporting process, benefiting both regulatory agencies and the facilities required to report their discharge monitoring data.
In Tennessee, NetDMR is mandatory for all National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulated entities required to submit Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs), whether under an individual permit or a general permit. If your permit specifies NetDMR reporting, you should create an account as soon as possible, and begin reporting in NetDMR.
- You need a connection to the internet, a web browser, and an email address.
- Accounts to access NetDMR are created in EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) system, which provides access to a variety of other EPA programs.
- Please see CDX & NetDMR Account Setup & Management section below.
- Please see our DMGR NetDMR Quick Start Guide for an overview of the actions required.
To most accurately setup your NetDMR account, download our comprehensive guide: Step-by-Step NetDMR Permittee Account Creation Guide
Or follow our Quick-Start Guide below (for those familiar with EPA databases):
1. Go to . Click on Register with CDX.
2. Read Terms and Conditions, check the box, and click Proceed.
3. Select the NetDMR: Network Discharge Monitoring Report program service.
4. Then select NetDMR: Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.
5. Select a role from the drop-down list and provide any required information. Description of CDX Roles:
- Permittee (signature): Works for the company AND will sign and submit DMRs.
- Permittee (no signature): Works for the company but will NOT sign/submit DMRs.
- Data Provider: Lab, contractor, 3rd Party Affiliate, etc.
- Internal User: State/EPA Agency personnel only.
6. Create User ID and enter email address (TIP: make user ID same as email address).
7. You will be redirected to to either set up a new account or log in to an existing account. Click Proceed to
8. New account creation- Click on Create an account.
9. IMPORTANT: Use the same email address used in CDX registration in step 6.
10. will send an email with a link to confirm your email address; follow the link.
11. You will receive confirmation that your email address is verified.
12. Authentication method setup- You must add an additional layer of protection to your account by selecting a multi-factor authentication method. Select one of the following 5 options:
- ***RECOMMENDED*** Option 1: Choose to receive a Text or voice message. Receive a secure code by (SMS) text or phone call, receive confirmation that a phone was added to your account, select Agree and continue.
- Option 2: Download or use an authentication app of your choice to generate secure codes.
- Option 3: Use backup codes. A list of 10 codes you can print or save to your device. When you use the last code, it will generate a new list. Keep in mind that backup codes are easy to lose.
- Option 4: Use a security key. Connect your physical security key to your device. You won't need to enter a code.
- Option 5: Use a government employee ID. PIV/CAC cards for government and military employees. Desktop only.
13. You can add another verification method at this time or select Skip for Now. Agree and Continue.
14. Upon returning to CDX, enter User Information.
15. Next, enter your organization. Click Search.
16. Click the correct Organization ID hyperlink on the left-hand side to add your organization.
17. If your organization can not be found, it can be added by clicking on request that we add your organization (adding an organization is very common):
a. Enter Contact Information.
b. An email with a verification code will be sent to the email you enter.
c. Copy the emailed verification code and paste it into the verification code field. A green check mark will appear when finished. Click Register.
18. If your organization is found, enter additional information, and click Submit Request for Access.
19. After adding the organization, a message will instruct you to check the registered email account for a confirmation message with a link to activate your user account. Enter the code in the email and click on Create account.
20. Then, enter your job title, click Next to continue.
21. If you are requesting a “Permittee (no signature)” role, you will be redirected to your CDX homepage. You can now click on your new role, Continue to NetDMR, and skip to the “Requesting Access to Permits in NetDMR” section of these instructions (page 3).
22. If you are requesting a “Permittee (signature)” role, you must complete an Identity Verification process.
a. You have two options for this process:
1. Use the electronic identity proofing service for immediate access (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED).
2. OR Print and mail a signed form to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (can take weeks).
b. For electronic identity proofing, provide your legal name, address, date of birth, and last four digits of your Social Security Number (information is not saved and is purged after verification).
23. To sign electronically, scroll to bottom and press Sign Electronically until confirmation of account creation is received. If you fail the identity proofing process (can happen for a wide variety of reasons), you’ll need to print, review, sign, and mail in your paper Electronic Signature Agreement.
24. Read the notice and click Accept. You will be redirected to the CDX landing page.
You have now setup your account to report electronically in NetDMR. You DO NOT have access to any permits in NetDMR yet. Follow the instructions below in the "How to Add Permits to Your NetDMR Account for Permittees" to request access to view, edit, or sign and submit DMRs.
To most accurately setup your NetDMR account, download our comprehensive guide: Step-By-Step Guide to Add Permits to Your NetDMR Account
Or use our Quick-Start Guide below (for those familiar with EPA databases)
1. Sign into CDX and from your homepage, look under “Services”. Select your Permittee (signature) or Permittee (no signature) role.
2. Click Continue to NetDMR.
3. Find the row of tabs in the upper left (really small writing) and click on Request Access.
4. Under the heading, “Request Access to Permits and Associate DMRs”, enter the NPDES Permit ID (begins with “TN”), and click Update.
5. Check that the facility name is correct when it appears, and select your desired role from the dropdown box (descriptions below). Click Add Request. Do this for each permit to which you need access. Description of NetDMR Permit Access Roles:

6. The Permit ID will now appear beneath the “Access Requests” heading. Verify it is correct, then click Submit. You will receive an email verifying the access request has been submitted.
7. Continue with all of Step 7 for Signatory access requests. For View, Edit, or Permit Admin. Roles, skip to Step 8.
a. On the following page, select your relationship to the facility from the drop-down box on the right side of the screen:
i. Choose Parent if you work at a corporate headquarters or offsite office.
ii. Choose Facility if you work at or near the location of the site or treatment facility.
iii. Choose Other if you are a third-party operator.
b. If you are a Responsible Official (each permit can have as many as you want), select the first option button and click Submit.
c. If there is another Responsible Official for this permit and you wish to be an authorized representative, select the second option button, fill out the information, click Submit.
i. NOTE: The Responsible Official you list MUST have their own NetDMR account and have already been granted signatory access to the permit before you submit your request. You must put in the email address associated with the Responsible Official’s NetDMR account for them to approve your request.
ii. After you’ve completed the entire process, the Responsible Official will receive a message in their NetDMR inbox to approve you as signatory (contact if the Resp. Official needs instructions).
d. On the following screen, choose to Sign Electronically (Sign via Paper takes considerably longer to complete account setup and is not recommended).
e. Review the subscriber agreement and click on Sign Electronically at the upper left of the screen under the box with green writing.
f. Accept the terms- a confirmation message is provided.
g. A NetDMR Coordinator will review your request and grant access (usually within 48 hours). To speed the process, contact to say that a request has been submitted.
h. After you have been approved, you’ll receive reporting instructions at the email associated with your account.
8. Complete this step for Edit, View, and Permit Administrator Roles (continued from Step 6 above):
a. After selecting the Edit, View, or Permit Admin. role, click Submit.
b. Verify everything is correct, and press Confirm. A confirmation message is provided.
c. A Permit Administrator or Signatory can now approve your request from their account following these instructions:
i. Login to CDX, click on their Permittee (signature) role, click Continue to NetDMR.
ii. Scroll to the bottom of their homepage to “Pending Access Requests”, check the appropriate box to approve the request, then click Save.
9. You should now have access to the permit in NetDMR.
If you need instructions for reporting data in NetDMR, please email
Users should select a CDX User Type that corresponds to their responsibilities in reporting and managing DMR data. Explore the following 4 CDX user types and definitions to determine which best suits your needs:

Explore the following 4 NetDMR roles and what rights are granted with each to determine which best suits your needs:

As a permit Signatory and/or Responsible Official, you have the ability to approve or deny access requests for your permit.
For instructions, download our guide: How to Approve Access Requests as Signatories & Responsible Officials
If you forget your CDX username, click the “Forgot Username” link at If you forget your login credentials, use the "forgot username" or "forgot password" links on the login screen to recover them. The TDEC NetDMR Coordinator cannot help you do this.
For further instructions on this topic, visit the EPA’s NetDMR Help Center: EPA FAQ Forgotten Username and Password
If you receive an error message indicating that you failed the identity verification process (not to worry, this can occur for a variety of reasons), you will need to complete the following steps:
1. Print and Sign the Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA).
a. Login to CDX. From the homepage, go to your Inbox.
b. Under the “From” column, click on the CDX Administrator blue hyperlink.
c. The ESA is attached to the message. Download, print, and sign the document.
2. Mail the ESA:
a. Send the completed ESA to the DMGR NetDMR Coordinator, Cassi Savage, at the address below:
Cassi Savage c/o TDEC Knoxville Environmental Field Office 3711 Middlebrook Pike Knoxville, TN 37921To most accurately change your account details, download our comprehensive guide: Step-By-Step Guide: Update Your Account Details in CDX/ NetDMR
Or use our Quick-Start Guide below (for those familiar with EPA databases)
1. Log into CDX at Do not continue to NetDMR.
2. Click on the My profile tab.
3. Scroll to “Organization Information” and click Modify Organization Information.
4. Click on the name of your Current Organization for which you want to change the email address.
5. In the dropdown information section, replace the old email address and/or phone number with the new one, and click Save Organization Details.
6. An email confirmation request will be sent to the new email address- Open the email and click the link to confirm the organization update. If you don’t follow the link, your information will not be updated.
7. To verify changes were successful, sign into your NetDMR account, click your CDX role, and Continue to NetDMR.
8. From NetDMR homepage, click My Account to confirm that your email address has been updated in your NetDMR profile.
To most accurately change your account details, download our comprehensive guide: Step-By-Step Guide - Update Your Account Details in CDX/ NetDMR
Or use our Quick-Start Guide below (for those familiar with EPA databases)
1. Log into CDX at (do not proceed to NetDMR).
2. Click on the My Profile tab.
3. Scroll down to “Organization Information” and click Modify Organization Information.
4. Search for your new organization in the search box.
a. If “No data was found matching your criteria”, click the link to request that we add your organization, enter required information, and click Submit Request for Access.
5. An email confirmation request will be sent to the new email address- Open the email and click the link to confirm the organization update.
a. If you don’t follow the link, your information will not be updated.
6. You will be redirected to CDX and may need to log back in.
7. Go back to My Profile, click Modify Organization Information, and check that the new organization is listed under Current Organizations. Make sure this organization is set as your Primary.
8. NOT FINISHED YET: To update the organization information within the NetDMR profile (what you want to do), you must deactivate the NetDMR program associated with the old organization and add it to the new organization.
9. Go back to the “MyCDX” tab, scroll down and select Manage Your Program Services on the bottom right.
10. Expand NetDMR program under old organization and deactivate your role. Then click Add Program Service.
11. Scroll down and select the NetDMR: Network Discharge Monitoring Report program, then scroll down and select NDMR-TN:NetDMR: Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.
12. Choose to Select a Current Organization, make your selection from the dropdown box, then Submit Request for Access.
13. Enter Job Title. Confirmation that your new role has been added is provided.
a. If your role is Permittee (signature), you may need to electronically sign a new Electronic Signature Agreement.
14. To verify changes were successful, sign into your NetDMR account, click CDX role- Permittee (signature) or Permittee (no signature)- and Continue to NetDMR.
15. From NetDMR homepage, click My Account (tiny writing in upper left screen), and confirm that your organization info has been updated in your NetDMR profile.
16. Lastly, let the DMGR NetDMR Coordinator ( know to which permits you no longer need access.
To most accurately change your account details, download our comprehensive guide: Step-By-Step Guide - Update Your Account Details in CDX/ NetDMR
Or use our Quick-Start Guide below (for those familiar with EPA databases)
1. Login to CDX at
2. Click on Manage Your Program Services.
3. Expand NetDMR program line and deactivate your role under the “Status” column, confirm.
4. Expand the same NetDMR program line, select Request New Role.
5. Choose the desired Role, and click Add Selected Role.
6. Enter new Job Title and click Next.
7. You will receive a message in a green box confirming the new role was successfully added. You will also receive a confirmation email.
Yes, you can print the subscriber agreement by following these instructions:
1. Sign in to your NetDMR account at
2. Click on your Permittee (signature) role.
3. Click Continue to NetDMR.
4. From the NetDMR homepage, scroll to the top left-hand corner and click on My Account (tiny writing at the very top).
5. Scroll down to “My Permits”, locate the pending access request, click the Sign button.
6. Follow the steps to enter your password, answer your signature authorization question, and sign the document.
Yes. When there is a change in signatory authority, the new signatory must create a NetDMR account, request the signatory role, and notify TDEC of which former signatories should be removed from the permit in NetDMR. Accounts cannot be transferred from one person to another.
No, you do not. If a Duly Authorized Representative (DAR) has previously signed a Subscriber Agreement by a Responsible Official, and the Responsible Official changes, there is no need for a new Subscriber Agreement.
The only time a new agreement is necessary is if the DAR's signing authority status changes (for example, transitioning from a signatory to a non-signatory role).
Follow these steps to remove any pending request that is no longer needed:
1. Sign in to CDX, click on your User Role, and Continue to NetDMR.
2. On the NetDMR homepage, click on My Account in the top left-hand side (in tiny writing next to “Home”).
3. Click on Edit Account.
4. Scroll down to “My Permits”.
5. Find the Pending request under the “Access Status” column.
6. On the right-hand side, click Delete Access Rights.
7. Save your changes.
8. Save again to confirm.
The most effective way to learn how to report DMRs in NetDMR is to download our comprehensive guide: Step-By-Step Reporting Instructions for NetDMR
Or use our Quick-Start Guide below:
1. Login to your NetDMR account, click on your Role- Permittee (signature/no signature). Select Continue to NetDMR.
2. From the NetDMR homepage, search for DMRs using the Permit ID and Monitoring Period End Date Range queries ONLY. Click Search.
3. In the Next Steps column, find the row containing the Discharge # and Monitoring Period End Date that corresponds to the DMR you wish to submit. Select Go next to the dropdown that says Edit DMR.
4. Enter your info at the top of the DMR under “Principal Executive Officer”. Then enter data into the empty fields (white boxes) under Quantity or Loading and Quality or Concentration columns.
5. If you don’t have data to report, select an appropriate NODI code (download NODI code info here: DMGR NetDMR No Data Indicator (NODI) Code Guidance). You must explain NODI use in the DMR comment section.
6. If you need to upload attachments, scroll down to “Attachments”, and select Add Attachments (rules for attachments found in Step-by-Step Guide above).
7. Add comments to “DMR Comments” section- always explain NODI codes and violations.
8. Select Save and Continue at the bottom of the screen.
9. If there are violations or errors, “Edit Check Error” messages will appear below DMR form. Correct errors and Acknowledge all “soft” and “hard” errors. (e.g., violations, blank fields, incorrect NODI codes, etc.). The DMR will not process until errors are acknowledged.
10. Select Save and Continue again. The Status will change to NetDMR Validated at the top of page.
11. If you are signatory, click Save and Continue, then Sign & Submit. Continue to Step 13.
12. If you are NOT a signatory (Data Provider or Edit roles), click Save & Exit. You will be redirected to the search page. The Status column should say “NetDMR Validated”. Notify a signatory to complete the signing process.
13. On the following screen, if you are a signatory, check Include in Submission and Add COR and Attachments to Email Notification. Click Submit.
14. Accept the legal certifications. A Signing Process Confirmation message will appear.
15. After processing, you will receive a submission confirmation email. If not in your inbox, check your spam folder. If you selected Add COR and Attachments to Email Notification, a copy of the "Copy of Record" (COR) will be attached.
16. For questions, please contact the DMGR NetDMR Administrator at
DMRs must be completed and submitted according to the specified monitoring periods (time frame in which sampling must occur) in your NPDES permit.
Deadlines typically fall on the 15th of the month following the end of the monitoring period (MP)- the exception is Monthly sampling with Quarterly reporting. Usually, MPs are monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually.
The table below details DMR frequency, monitoring periods, and due dates:

· It is a violation of the permit if a DMR is not received by the required due date.
· TDEC may take escalating compliance actions to deal with chronic late submissions. This could result in penalties or revocation of the permit.
· If a DMR is submitted late, the operator must include an explanation for the late submittal in the “Comments” section on the DMR.
· Failure to submit DMRs constitutes a violation of state and federal law, categorized as Significant Non-Compliance that will lead to enforcement actions.
To accurately correct/edit DMRs in NetDMR, download our highly detailed, comprehensive guide: Step-By-Step Guide to Correct a DMR in NetDMR
Or use our Quick-Start Guide to correct DMRs in NetDMR below:
1. In NetDMR, search for the DMR using only Permit Number and Monitoring Period End Date Range only.
2. Locate the DMR needed, and select Correct A DMR from the drop-down box.
3. Make necessary changes, then re-sign and re-submit the DMR.
4. This generates a new COR with an updated submission date in NetDMR.
In NetDMR, a No Data Indicator (NODI) code is a unique code used to explain why no data was reported for a parameter required by a NPDES permit.
When filling out a DMR, select an appropriate NODI code using the table below (download a copy here) and provide an explanation in the comments section (required).

Yes, you can add attachments to a DMR by clicking the Add Attachments button at the bottom left of a DMR.
NetDMR Rules for attachments:
1. Attachments can be the following file types .pdf, .xls, .csv, and .txt.
2. Each file should not exceed twenty megabytes (20 MB) in size.
3. When naming files, avoid spaces and special characters like . ' [ ] ` { } # % ^.
4. You can use hyphens (-) and underscores (_) if needed in the file names.
To find out if you have an updated DMGR NPDES permit and understand how your reporting requirements have changed, download our guide: Reporting Guidance for Updated NPDES Permits
Or use our Quick Guide below:
1. To see if you have an updated permit, check Part 1.A of your permit or your DMRs.
a. If the limits for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Flow use Monthly Average (MO AVG) and Daily Maximum (DAILY MX), you have an updated permit and should follow the instructions below.
b. If your permit lists Maximum (MAXIMUM) and Daily Maximum (DAILY MX) for TSS and Flow, you have an older permit.
i. Keep reporting as you have been until your permit is updated.
ii. Note: For pH, record the smallest value as Minimum and the largest value as Maximum.
2. What do you report on DMRs for updated permits?
For updated permits, collect at least 2 samples per month: One in the first half of the month and one in the second half.
a. Additional samples may be taken, but all data must be included in your DMR calculations.
b. If only 1 sample is collected, report the same number in both data slots for each parameter.
Here’s what to report:

If you have an updated permit (see "Do I have an “Updated” permit, & what are my new reporting requirements?" above), report the single sample result as both the Monthly Average and the Daily Maximum.
If you do NOT have an updated permit (TSS and Flow have Maximum and Daily Maximum statistical bases), report data from single sample in correct data slot, then an appropriate NODI code in the other slot (see “How to Use No Data Indicator (NODI) Codes” section above).
When monitoring results fall below the detectable level of your testing method for all parameters except Flow, accurate reporting is crucial for compliance. A few possible situations are presented below.
1. When the permit limit is lower than the MDL, and no detection is made, report “NODI B- Below Detection Limit/No Detection”. If an analyte IS detected, report the actual detected value.
2. When the MDL is lower than the permit limit, concentrations below the permit limit can be detected. If no detection is found, report the result as “less than {numeric value of the MDL}” on the DMR.
a. Example: If the permit limit is 0.02 mg/L, the test can detect as low as 0.01 mg/L, and there is no detection, report the value as < 0.01 mg/L.
When calculating averages with results that fall below detection limit, assign zero for values less than the MDL (does not apply to Flow). Follow these 2 rules to report averages:
1. If the average value is less than the MDL, report “less than {numeric value of the MDL}” on the DMR.
2. If the average is equal to or above the MDL, report the actual value.
1. Sign in to your NetDMR account, click on your Role, and Continue to NetDMR.
2. On the NetDMR homepage, click on the Unscheduled DMRs tab.
3. Select the permit number, permitted feature, and limit set from the dropdown boxes, and enter the monitoring period end date (e.g., for 1st quarter DMRs, the end date would be March 31st).
4. Press Search.
5. From the search results, find the DMR with the correct dates. Fill out as usual.
6. Sign and Submit when finished. You will receive a confirmation email if submission was successful.
If you don’t have numeric data to report for multiple monitoring periods (e.g. NODI C-No Discharge, NODI 2- Operation Shutdown, etc.), you can submit multiple DMRs at the same time using Batch Submission. Follow these instructions:
1. Log in to your NetDMR account, click your Role, and Continue to NetDMR.
2. On the Home page, under “All DMRs and Copies of Record (CORs)”, select your Permit ID from the dropdown menu.
3. Search only by “Monitoring Period End Date Range” to ensure accuracy.
4. In the search results, identify the DMRs you wish to edit based on their Monitoring Period End Date and associated Permitted Feature and Discharge Numbers. Double check to make sure you are filling out the right DMRs.
5. Check the boxes under the “Update NODI” column for all DMRs you will submit with the same NODI code.
6. Click Update NODI located at the right corner of the page.
7. From the NODI Code drop-down menu, select the appropriate NODI code. Enter an appropriate description.
8. Click Save & Exit located in the center above the “Update NODI” section.
9. Monitor the “Update NODI pending” status until it changes to “NetDMR Validated” (this may take several minutes).
10. Check the boxes under the “Include in Batch Submit” column for all DMRs you wish to include.
11. Click Sign & Submit Checked DMRs located above in the center.
12. Check all boxes under the “Include in Submission” column (and check “Add Copy of Submission…” to receive a copy of the DMRs), click Submit, and Accept the terms.
13. A “Signing Process Confirmation” number will be generated. You’ll receive an email confirming that the DMRs are being processed, and another email once processing is complete.
After submitting a DMR in NetDMR, you will first receive a confirmation message on the NetDMR page. Subsequently, you'll receive two emails: one confirming that the DMR has been submitted for processing, and another once processing is complete. If you opted to receive attachments with email notifications, a PDF copy of the DMR (also known as Copy of Record, COR) will be included.
If you haven't received these emails within 24 hours and you've checked your spam folder, you can still check if the DMR was successfully submitted by logging back into NetDMR. On the search page, select your permit ID and the Monitoring Period End Date Range for the DMR in question, and click Search.
If the DMR has been successfully submitted:
1. The Status will display as "Completed." If there are reported violations, the Status may show as "Completed with Errors and/or Warnings."
2. The COR Received Date column will show a date. Clicking this link allows you to view the DMR in a new window.
DMR Due Date Reminder emails are automatically generated by NetDMR several days before a DMR is due. A delay in the email notification system may result in receiving a reminder if the DMR has been submitted in the previous 2-3 days. If you have already submitted your DMR or plan to do so before the due date, no further action is necessary.
Contact DMGR's NetDMR Coordinator, Cassi Savage, at to address incorrect information or missing permit requirements on your DMR.
NetDMR: If you have additional questions or concerns about NetDMR, please contact the DMGR NetDMR Administrator at
Permit requirements: For questions about your permit requirements, please contact the DMGR Mining Permitting Manager at
Inspections: For questions about site conditions, sampling locations, and inspections, please contact the DMGR Mining Inspections Manager at
The EPA provides public access to its regulatory compliance and enforcement data via ECHO: Overview of ECHO.
To view publicly available state and/or facility data, go to
How to Approve Access Requests for Signatories
How to Update Account Info in CDX/NetDMR
NetDMR No Data Indicator NODI Code Guidance
Reporting Guidance for Updated NPDES Permits
Step-By-Step Guide to Add Permits to Your NetDMR Account
Step-by-Step NetDMR Permittee Account Creation Guide
Step-By-Step Guide to Correct a DMR in NetDMR
Step-By-Step Guide: Update Your Account Details in CDX/ NetDMR
Step-By-Step Reporting Instructions for NetDMR