TDOE Releases 2023-24 Online State Report Card
Highlighting Outstanding Student Acceleration & School Success Through School Letter Grades
Nashville, TN – Today, the Tennessee Department of Education released the 2023-24 State Report Card, including the 2023-24 School Letter Grades and highlighting interactive features for families and users to learn more on how districts and schools are performing across the state.
The State Report Card offers families, education leaders, elected officials, and the public a variety of interactive displays that can inform tailored strategies and investments to support students and schools. Users can access a highlight video here and an overview here of how to best utilize the Report Card. Additional resources are available here.
“The 2023-24 State Report Card provides valuable insights into the performance of public schools and districts across Tennessee, giving families and communities the tools they need to advocate for their students,” said Lizzette Reynolds, Commissioner of Education. “We are especially proud of the schools that performed highly on the School Letter Grades and are moving the needle for kids, and we encourage all Tennesseans to actively engage and contribute to the ongoing success of all our schools.”
School Letter Grades provide a snapshot of how each school in the state is doing in meeting the state’s expectations for learning, including student achievement and academic growth measures for all schools, as well as a measure of college and career readiness just for high schools.
Find an overview of the statewide 2023-24 School Letter Grades results:
- 290 schools received an overall A letter grade
- 485 schools received an overall B letter grade
- Statewide numbers on schools receiving highest score in one or more of the four categories of the School Letter Grades system:
- 445 schools received a level 5 in Achievement
- 536 schools received a level 5 in Growth
- 385 schools received a level 5 in Growth for Highest Need Students
- 82 elementary and middle schools earned a level 5 in all three categories
- 159 high schools received a level 5 in College and Career Readiness
- 26 high schools received a level 5 in all four categories
Annually, the State Report Card is updated to provide information about school and district performance, including overall achievement and progress on state assessments, enrollment, English learners’ proficiency in English, graduation rate, and students’ postsecondary readiness. Last year, the Report Card included the School Letter Grades system as well funding allocation information, including for the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA), the state funding formula, which provides dollars to support specific student needs. The funding expenditure information will be available in early 2025.
Additionally, families can use the State Report Card to see how their child’s school is doing using interactive features such as:
- An enhanced letter grade page within each individual school’s profile, showing a snapshot of their child’s school’s performance.
- A TISA calculator tool that demonstrates how the new state funding formula addresses individual student needs.
- A compare tool designed for users to compare schools and districts side-by-side on multiple metrics: school or district characteristics, demographics, academic achievement, available programs, and financial information.
The 2023-24 State Report Card and School Letter Grades can be accessed here. Additional resources on the State Report Card are available here. The TCAP Family Portal can be found here and Best for ALL Central is available here.
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