TDOE Hosts Listening Tour to Discuss School Turnaround

Monday, October 14, 2019 | 02:13pm

TDOE Hosts Listening Tour to Discuss School Turnaround

NASHVILLE— This month, the Tennessee Department of Education will begin hosting a series of community meetings to solicit input from stakeholders on ways to enhance supports and services to high-opportunity schools that are struggling to meet student needs. A total of six meetings will be held between October 22-November 4 in communities that have the highest concentration of Priority schools in Tennessee.

Commissioner Penny Schwinn says the goal of the listening tour is to give our parents and education partners a seat at the table, where they can express concerns and offer suggestions. “What are the circumstances that must be true in every school to ensure students are getting access to the quality education they so richly deserve? Ultimately, that’s the question we’re asking, and I hope we’ll have a room full of engaged people at each meeting who are eager to weigh in,” Commissioner Schwinn said.

Dates, times, and locations of these events are below. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Listening Tour Dates

Listening Tour dates