Licensure Forms
If the form for a desired licensure transaction is not listed below, the entire transaction must be completed in TNCompass. The forms below may be uploaded in TNCompass with the licensure transaction submission.
Initial License
Out-of-State Educator Preparation Verification (Attach completed form in TNCompass prior to submitting the licensure application.)
Instructional Leadership License – Out-of-State Applicants (Attach completed form in TNCompass prior to submitting the licensure application.)
Practitioner License - Out of Country Applicant
Waivers and Permits
For the District Waiver and Permit applications, please see the Appendix Section (page 41) of the Educator Licensure Operating Procedures for Districts document.
Occupational Education
Occupational Experience and Qualification
Other Forms
Application for Additional Endorsement Completed Out-of-State (Form may be uploaded as part of TNCompass application.)