Framework for the Development of Effective Educator Preparation Partnerships

The Framework for the Development of Effective Educator Preparation Partnerships1 includes three phases – foundation, development, and sustainment. This framework depicts the iterative and spiraling nature of partnership work. Each phase reflects the fluidity necessary for authentic partnerships to develop based on each partner’s unique characteristics, while adhering to a formalized structure to guide and support this work throughout all the phases.
EPPs and their district partners should use this framework to establish initial partnerships, to maximize action plan development and implementation, and to sustain and enhance partnership work. There is no set timeline for progression through the partnership phases; however, the framework includes a suggested timeframe for each phase. The timeframes and entry point for each phase may vary based on the partners’ prior working relationship, resource allocation, and commitment to mutually beneficial goals.
A solid understanding of the partnership’s purpose, expectations, structures, and processes is central to partnership effectiveness. The framework also includes several key processes necessary to move from collegial relationships to collaborative partnerships. By paying attention to these considerations, partnerships are more likely to lead to a collaborative culture of shared responsibility and accountability.
Prior to using this framework, it is important for partners to know that:
- The framework was designed to support the work of primary partnerships, yet it can easily be adapted for use within state-recognized partnerships.
- The framework phases and essential aspects of effective partnerships are not linear or sequential in nature; however, when establishing new partnerships, EPPs and districts may find it helpful to initially progress through the phases in order.
- The essential aspects of effective partnerships are not all inclusive; partners are encouraged to consider additional essential aspects of effective partnerships based on each partner’s unique needs.
- The iterative nature of the framework may be most relevant during the implementation and progress monitoring of specific action plans.
1Adapted from the model found in: Ensuring High-Quality Teacher Talent, Education First (2016). Retrieved on December 12, 2018 at