General Information

General Information about the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children

Types of placements covered:

  • Placement preliminary to adoption
  • Placements into foster homes, group homes, residential treatment facilities, and institutions
  • Placements with parents or relatives when a parent or relative is not making the placement
  • Placements of adjudicated delinquents in institutions in other states

Not all placements of children into other party states are subject to compliance with the compact. Compact compliance is not required for placements made in medical or psychiatric hospitals, institutions for the mentally ill or in boarding schools, or any institution primarily educational in nature.

The compact must be used by:

  • A state party to the compact, or any officer or employee of a party state
  • A subdivision of the party state, such as a county or city, or any officer or employee of the subdivision
  • A court of a party state
  • Any person (including parents and relatives in some instances), corporation, association, charitable agency, or other entity which sends, brings, or causes to be sent or brought any child to another party state

Learn More:

Interstate Compact Reference Guides

Interstate Compact Forms

Interstate Compact Contacts