TDOC Staff Intercepts Contraband
WARTBURG – The Tennessee Department of Correction’s nonnegotiable mission is to operate safe and secure prisons and provide effective community supervision in order to enhance public safety. The introduction of contraband not only poses a threat to this mission but it’s also a serious violation of Tennessee law.
Everyday across this state, correctional officers and agents work to intercept and detect any threat to the safety of our facilities. This morning officers at Morgan County Correctional Complex stopped a visitor attempting to bring drugs into the prison. Cooperation from TDOC’s Office of Investigation and Compliance and the Morgan County Sheriff’s office led to this visitor being arrested and facing several charges including introduction of contraband.
This arrest illustrates the training and skill of our correctional professionals. It also shows that anyone who attempts to bring contraband into TDOC facilities will be arrested and prosecuted. If you know of any security concerns that threaten any TDOC property, please contact 1-844-TDC-FIND.
For more information on contraband arrests view our website.