TDOC Training Staff Assists Alabama DOC
SELMA – The vision of the Tennessee Department of Correction (TDOC) is to be recognized as the best correctional agency in the nation. By being tapped as a national leader in officer training, TDOC is well on its way to fulfilling that vision.
Earlier this summer staff from the Alabama Department of Correction visited TDOC’s Sergeants’ Academy. The Sergeants’ Academy, which is held in Tullahoma at the Tennessee Correctional Academy, offers newly appointed supervisors intensive training on leading their teams, effective communication, and mentoring. According to Commissioner Tony Parker, “The Tennessee Department of Correction believes that investing in our team is critical to the mission. We want every member of #TeamTDOC to not only be well versed in policy and procedure, but to also grow into leaders and the future of this Department.” The Sergeants’ Academy is a significant part of this TDOC’s development of next level leaders and was recognized by the Alabama Department of Correction as a model they wanted to duplicate.
In October, several members of our training team visited Alabama to help facilitate their first Sergeants’ Academy. Turney Center Industrial Complex Warden Kevin Genovese, Instructor Kenyonna Stewart, and Instructor Gary Stewart helped with the training.
“I want to thank members of the Tennessee DOC Team for giving their time and expertise in helping the Alabama Department of Corrections launch its first Sergeants’ Academy. As part of the ADOC’s new professional development program, the Sergeants’ Academy will prepare our leaders for increased responsibility and promotion opportunities while serving in the corrections profession,” said Alabama DOC Commissioner Jeff Dunn.
The Tennessee Correctional Academy trains more than 2,000 employees each year.