WIOA Resources

  Innovation & Opportunity Network (ION)

The ION is a national, regional, state and local alliance that provides technical assistance, information sharing, and training needed to implement the vision of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

  RSA: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) is established by Congress as the principal federal agency authorized to carry out Titles I, III, VI and VII, as well as specified portions of Title V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

RSA provides national leadership and administration to programs that develop and implement comprehensive programming of vocational rehabilitation and supported employment.

Services, training, and economic opportunities allow individuals with disabilities to maximize their employability, independence, and integration into the workplace and the community.

  Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)

The Division of Rehabilitation Services is responsible for the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services program, which includes determination of eligibility, determination of the nature and scope of VR services, and the provision of employment-focused rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities consistent with their strengths, priorities, and resources.

  Employment & Training Administration (ETA)

The Department of Labor ETA administers federal government job training and worker dislocation programs, federal grants to states for public employment service programs, and unemployment insurance benefits.

  Administration for Children and Families

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is a division of the Department of Health & Human Services. We promote the economic and social well-being of children, families, individuals and communities with leadership and resources for compassionate, effective delivery of human services.

  Adult Education

The Tennessee Adult Education division delivers educational services to adults, over the age of 17 (unless granted an exception), lacking a high school diploma and no longer under compulsory attendance to a public high school. Administering the Adult Education program grant, the division is also responsible for the oversight and compliance of test centers administering High School Equivalency exams.

  Families First (TANF)

Families First, the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, is a workforce development and employment program focused on gaining self-sufficiency through employment.