July 10, 2020
1:00 pm
Dial-in: 415-655-0003 Access Code: 610 530 624
Notice of Rulemaking Hearing
Registration & Ways to Join
If you plan to attend, we invite you to register here and indicate whether you intend to give a comment. When it is time to join the meeting, attendees can join via one of the following options:
1. Click this link to join via WebEx application on computer or smart phone (you may need to download the WebEx application).
2. Call-in (audio only): (415) 655-0003; Password: 610 530 624
I. Call to Order
Shanell Tyler, Hearing Officer, Interim General Counsel
II. Review of Proposed Rules
Shanell Tyler
III. Public Comments
Please state your name, title, organization, address, email address, and phone number. You will have three minutes to speak.
IV. Concluding Remarks
Shanell Tyler
V. Adjourn
NOTE: You may submit written comments to be read at the hearing. To ensure consideration, they must be received by 4:30 p.m. CT on July 9, 2020. Submit comments via email to:
Mary Elam
Tennessee Department of Education
Andrew Johnson Tower, 12th Floor
710 James Robertson Pkwy
Nashville, TN 37243
Email: Mary.Elam2@tn.gov
Further information is available on the Commission’s website.