Laws, Rules & Policies
Here you will find links to the laws, rules, policies, and bylaws applicable to the Tennessee Emergency Communications Board (the “TECB”) and the local emergency communications districts responsible for providing 911 services throughout the state.
The Tennessee Emergency Communications Board and the one hundred emergency communications districts are primarily governed by the statutes in Title 7, Chapter 86 of the Tennessee Code Annotated.
Tenn. Code Ann. § 7-86-306(a)(1) gives the TECB the authority to promulgate rules in order to effectuate the responsibilities given to it by statute. The rules the TECB promulgated can be found in Tenn. Comp Rules and Regs 0780-6-1 through 0780-6-4.
In addition, the TECB adopted policies regarding its operations and bylaws governing the inner workings of the TECB and its meetings.
Questions regarding the TECB’s laws, rules, policies, and bylaws should be directed to Assistant Director and General Counsel Benjamin Glover.