MIR Registry Physician Listing

The following physicians are members of the Tennessee Medical Impairment Rating Registry (MIRR) who have received approved training in the American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6th Edition.  Physicians who are listed as inactive are currently unavailable for MIR disputes.  MIR Physicians must be chosen for a medical impairment rating (MIR) in accordance with TN Rules and Regulations 0800-2-20 for their opinion to have the statutory presumption of accuracy provided by TN Code Annotated 50-6-205 (d)(5). 

This listing is for informational purposes only and may not contain the most recent changes to the MIRR. To verify MIRR membership, please contact the MIRR Program Coordinator

This Page Last Updated: July 12, 2024 at 2:44 PM