Updating Employer Account
It is important for employers to maintain accurate contact information with our agency. Click here to submit your request online.
Note: The Employer's Report of Change online form has replaced the Employer's Report of Change LB-0792 (PDF).
Company Name Changes
Company name changes can be made on the Employer’s Report of Change form (LB-0792) if the organization continues to operate under the same Federal Employer Identification Number and Secretary of State Control Number.
Other changes require completion of a new Application for Employer Number. Please complete the application that best describes your organization. Applications can be mailed or faxed to the Employer Services Unit.
Mailing Address Changes
All tax and benefit information is sent to the mailing address on file with the Agency. Employers can update the mailing address by submitting an Employer’s Report of Change form (LB-0792). Larger employers or those using a centralized mail room should use a department name or title of the person receiving correspondence from this Agency due to employee turnover.
Secondary Address
Employers may use a secondary address to receive Notices of Claim Filed. If no secondary address is provided, all correspondence from the Agency will be mailed to the mailing address on record.
Closing/Inactivating an Unemployment Account Number
Employers who have closed their business or who no longer have payroll in Tennessee should notify the Agency to make their Employer Account inactive. Requests to make an account inactive should be made using the Employer’s Report of Change form (LB-0792). The Employer’s Report of Change form (LB-0792) can be submitted online or mailed with the final Wage and Premium Reports.
Allow ten (10) working days for the Agency to process the request to make the account inactive. Employers are notified by mail when the request is processed.
Tennessee Employment Security Law provides for the mandatory transfer of an employer’s benefit and premium experience whenever there is any common ownership, management or control between predecessor and successor employers. The transfer of employees between or among related entities is also subject to a mandatory transfer of experience rating record. Failure to disclose such transfers can result in the assessment of a penalty rate. If transferring workers to a related entity, contact Employer Services at (615) 741-2486 to discuss whether or not a Report to Determine Status Application for Employer Number (LB-0441) is needed for the new employing unit.
Reinstating an Unemployment Account Number
Requests to reinstate an employer account number should be submitted as soon as payroll resumes. Accounts must be active to file wage and premium reports online. Failure to reinstate the account prior to quarterly due date may result in interest charges and penalties for late filings. Allow ten (10) working days for the Agency to process the request to reinstate the account.
If transferring workers from a related entity, contact Employer Services at (615) 741-2486 to discuss whether or not a Report to Determine Status Application for Employer Number (LB-0441) is needed for the new employing unit.
New Federal Employer Identification Number
To ensure accurate certification with the Internal Revenue Service, employers should promptly notify the Agency of any changes to the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). FEIN changes require completion of a new Report to Determine Status Application for Employer Number (LB-0441).
Changes in Ownership
Changes in business ownership should be submitted using the Report to Determine Status Application for Employer Number (LB-0441). The Agency will review the change in ownership to determine whether or not a new Employer Account Number will be assigned. If a new Employer Account number is assigned, a letter will be mailed to the address provided on the form.