Elevator & Amusement Device Safety Board Public Notices
Elevator & Amusement Device Safety BoardOur department provides public notices for regular and special meetings. Details on such meetings are outlined in Tennessee Code Annotated § 8-44-103.
If the physical quorum is present, boards and commissions may, but are not required to, allow participation by electronic or other means of communication (ie.: webinar, conference call, etc.) for the benefit of the general public and governing body in connection with any meeting authorized by law (Tennessee Code Annotated § 8-44-108).
For further information, please call (844) 224-5818.
Individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in such proceedings should contact Evelyn Gaines Guzmán 10 days prior to the meeting at Evelyn.Gaines.Guzman@tn.gov or by phone at (844) 224-5818, fax - (615) 741-4722 or TN Relay Service: 711.
Servicio de Relevo en Espanol: Voice, TTY, ASCII: (866) 503-0263 Fax: (615) 532-1355
Notices are Current at the Time of Posting
Click buttons or text to access Public Notice and Agenda.
2023 || March 28 (agenda) | September 6 (agenda) | December 5 (agenda)
2022 || March 1 (agenda) | June 7 (agenda) | September 7 (agenda) | December 6, 2022 (agenda)
2021 || March 2 (agenda) | (April agenda) | June (agenda) | September (agenda) | December (agenda)
2020 || March 3 (canceled) (agenda) | September 2 (agenda) |December 1 (agenda)