Disaster Volunteer Opportunities


At Volunteer Tennessee, we join with you and understand your desire to immediately help our fellow Tennesseans in a major emergency or disaster. However, please do not self-deploy to a disaster scene. 

Unfortunately, as we have seen with previous events, an influx of unaffiliated or spontaneous volunteers converging on a disaster scene clogs streets and creates problems for emergency workers. Officials must then reallocate time and resources to coordinate these individuals.

Instead, if you wish to volunteer in future disasters, please only respond when government officials call for volunteers to go to a specific Volunteer Reception Center.  Volunteer Tennessee strongly encourages potential volunteers to also seek training and pre-affiliate with a recognized disaster response organization in advance of a disaster. 

Additionally, potential volunteers can register for disaster-related opportunities through the Tennessee Serves Network,  a statewide portal dedicated to connecting Tennesseans with local opportunities to serve.  Volunteer Tennessee also works closely with Tennessee Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (TNVOAD) as a resource for training and volunteer opportunities. Please view these recognized VOAD member organizations for training oppportunities.

Also consider joining a Tennessee regional VOAD or COAD (regional and community organizations active in disaster). These local community organizations work together with government officials during a disaster to provide coordination of services, ensure that unmet needs are addressed, provide financial assistance and supplies, and share knowledge and resources with Tennessee local residents during a disaster.  Current regional VOADs and COADs in Tennessee include:

  • Chattanooga
  • East Tennessee
  • North Middle Tennessee
  • Mid-South
  • Nashville
  • Southeast Tennessee
  • Northeast Tennessee


 Additional Resources:

Tennessee Serves Network
Find volunteer opportunities with the Tennessee Serves Network