Disaster Services
Hurricane Helene Recovery Efforts
On September 27, 2024, East Tennessee was impacted by widespread heavy rain, severe storms, and flooding from Hurricane Helene. The Tennessee Emergency Management website offers resources for those recovering and will be updated regularly.
The Disaster Hotline, (423) 830-2696, has been established as a unified regional hotline for community members, donors, and national/international organizations.
· Homeowners and renters who suffered loss or damage due to Helene may be eligible for financial assistance to pay for basic home repairs, temporary housing rental, and other uninsured storm expenses. Visit the FEMA website for ways to apply.
· Information for survivors, including recovery resources and shelter locations, is available on TEMA’s Hurricane Helene Response webpage.
· To report missing persons in the areas affected by the flooding, please call the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Hotline at 1-800-824-3463.
· A Crisis Cleanup service is in place for Tennesseans who need help with debris removal and home cleanup from the impacts of Hurricane Helene. All services are free, but service is not guaranteed due to the expected overwhelming need. Individuals needing assistance should call the Crisis Cleanup hotline at 1-844-965-1386.
· The American Red Cross continues to serve those affected by Hurricane Helene. For more information, contact the American Red Cross by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS. You can download the American Red Cross Emergency app, which provides shelter locations, safety tips, and real-time alerts (available for both iOS and Android).
· For emotional support during these stressful times, contact the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or text "TalkWithUs" to 66746.
· Avoid disaster-related scams with help from the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs, 615-741-4743 or www.tn.gov/consumer.
· Get help on filing insurance claims, hiring contractors, and reporting misconduct with the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance, www.tn.gov/commerce.
· Find local short-term or permanent rental housing options with the Tennessee Housing Development Agency, www.TNHousingSearch.org or 1-877-428-8844.
· DO NOT collect or send donated items unless there is a specific request for those items from a local agency. In a disaster, monetary donations are the best way to aid those in need. Cash can be used immediately and allows disaster relief organizations to purchase exactly what is needed when it is needed. Cash gives relief organizations the means to procure supplies near the affected area, reducing transportation time and cost. Monetary donations also support local economies and ensure that businesses can operate when relief supplies diminish.
For more information on donations, please see the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency’s Donation Information.
The United Way of the East Tennessee Highlands’ Disaster Relief Fund will assist with local Hurricane Helene disaster response https://unitedwayetnh.org/help/.
East Tennessee Foundation’s Neighbor to Neighbor Disaster Relief Fund is directly supporting Hurricane Helene relief efforts, https://easttennesseefoundation.org/grants/neighbor-to-neighbor-disaster-relief-fund/.
· DO NOT SELF-DEPLOY to volunteer in the affected area. Road conditions remain dangerous and unplanned arrivals can hinder organized relief efforts. You should only travel to volunteer as part of an officially deployed volunteer team.
· If you live in Tennessee and want to register as a volunteer with a local disaster response organization, please visit Tennessee Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (TNVOAD), https://www.tnvoad.org/. If you live outside of Tennessee, please visit the national site for Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters, https://www.nvoad.org/.
· Local partners will post service opportunities on the Tennessee Serves Volunteer Portal as they become available.
Volunteer Tennessee is the state's lead agency for volunteers and donations in times of disaster under the Tennessee Emergency Management Plan (TEMP). Please check out our resources in this section.
For more information, please email volunteer.tennessee@tn.gov.
9/11 Day National Preparedness Month Webinar
Volunteer Tennessee, whose mission is to promote volunteerism and community service in the State of Tennessee, partnered with AmeriCorps Disaster Service Unit (DSU) to present a FREE 9/11 Day Emergency Preparedness Webinar, which featured tips on emergency preparedness and how individuals can volunteer in times of disaster.