Acts of terrorism include threats of terrorism; assassinations; kidnappings; hijackings; bomb scares and bombings; cyberattacks (computer-based); and the use of chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological weapons. High-risk targets for acts of terrorism include military and civilian government facilities, international airports, large cities, and high-profile landmarks.
Within the immediate area of a terrorist event, you would need to rely on police, fi re, and other officials for instructions. However, you can prepare in much the same way you would prepare for other crisis events.
General Guidelines:
o Be aware of your surroundings.
o Move or leave if you feel uncomfortable or if something does not seem right.
o Take precautions when traveling.
o Be aware of conspicuous or unusual behavior.
o Do not accept packages from strangers.
o Do not leave luggage unattended.
o You should promptly report unusual behavior, suspicious or unattended packages, and strange devices to the police or security personnel.
o Learn where emergency exits are located in buildings you frequent. Plan how to get out in the event of an emergency.
o Be prepared to do without services you normally depend on—electricity, telephone, natural gas, gasoline pumps, cash registers, ATMs, and Internet transactions.
Report suspicious activity to authorities: If You See Something, Say Something. Things to consider include unattended vehicles; repeat visitors or outsiders who have no apparent business in non-public area; abandoned parcels, suitcases, backpacks, and packages; and other unusual activity.
Develop relationships with local law enforcement and businesses in your area. Invite local law enforcement to tour your business.
Communicate with your customers and let them know about the security measures you are taking to ensure a positive experience and to maintain public safety.
Train employees on identifying and reporting suspicious activities, active shooter scenarios, and what to do if they suspect an improvised explosive device (IED). Ensure they understand security basics, emergency response, business continuity plans, and increased awareness of potential threats.