Search and Rescue (SAR) Training Courses
SAR101 Search Operations 8 Hours
This 8-hour awareness level course provides an overview of a typical state supported search operation (non-urban environment).
TLETA POST Approved for 2023
Prerequisites: None
SAR110 Basic Visual Tracking 32 Hours
This course gives the participants a basic understanding of the skills in visual tracking and map/compass orientation, and specifically targets law enforcement tactical personnel and volunteer search/rescue squads. Students receive four hours of classroom instruction with the remaining hours involved in medium intensity fieldwork. Students will experience various tracking exercises of increasing difficulty and complexity.
TLETA POST Approved for 2023
Prerequisites: SAR101 (Search Operations) and SAR125 (GPS/Land Navigation)
SAR125 GPS/Land Navigation 20 Hours
This course gives the participants a detailed understanding of GPS technology, topographical maps, coordinate systems, and mapping programs. Participants will be capable of relaying positioning information to search managers and receiving positioning instructions in order to move to directed search areas.
TLETA POST Approved for 2023
Prerequisites: SAR101 (Search Operations)
SAR201 Managing Search Operations 40 Hours
This course focuses on the initial establishment of incident command and ongoing management of an active SAR incident. The course covers several scenarios ranging from rural mountainous areas to the challenges of a law enforcement managed search in an urban setting.
TLETA POST Approved for 2023
Prerequisites: SAR101 (Search Operations), SAR125 (GPS/Land Navigation), IS200 (Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response), and ICS300 (Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents) *SAR110 recommended but not required