Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities
The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Grant will help to support states, local communities, tribes and territories, as they undertake Hazard Mitigation projects that will reduce the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards. BRIC replaces the existing Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program and is a result of amendments made to Section 203 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act) by Section 1234 of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 (DRRA).
The program's objectives are to:
- Incentivize natural hazard risk reduction activities that mitigate risk to public infrastructure
- Incorporate nature-based solutions including those designed to reduce carbon emissions
- Enhance climate resilience and adaptation
- Promote equity and prioritize disadvantaged communities as referenced in Executive Order (EO) 14008
- Increasse funding to applicants that facilitate the adoption and enforcement of the latest published editions of building codes
Initial Eligibility Information
To be eligible for BRIC funding, FEMA requires the sub-recipients to have a current FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation plan at time of application and award. All activities submitted for consideration must be consistant with the Grantee's State/Tribal standard or Enhanced hazard mitigation plan and the Applicant's Hazard Mitigation plan for the local jurisdictions in which the activitiy is located.
Eligible Applicant/Sub-Applicants:
- State Agencies
- Local Governments
- Tribal Governments/Communities
Individuals, businesses and private non-profit organizations are not eligible to apply for HMA funds; however, an eligible state or local government may apply for funding on their behalf.
Available Funding:
- National Competition for Hazard Mitigation Projects: $701 million (estimated nation-wide)
- Any funds not awarded from the State/Territory Allocation or the Tribal Set-Aside will be re-allocated
- State / Territory Allocation: 2 Million per applicant (State)
Community Disaster Resilience Zone
- Hazard Mitigation projects performed within and/or that primarily benefit a designated Community Disaster Resilience Zone, as defined in Community Disaster Resilience Zones - are eligible for an increase in BRIC cost share up to 90% federal / 10% non-federal with the goal to lessen the financial burden on communities performing resliience-related activities.
- Under the State/Territory Allocation, a minimum of $400,000 must be used on any combination of capability-and capacity-building activities and projects primarily benefitting Community Disaster Resilience Zones.
Please see the following link for more detail information on funding availablity and grant information.
Eligible Activities:
FEMA will fund the following uses of assistance through BRIC:
- Capability and Capacity-Building Activities can be submitted under the State/Territory Allocation and Tribal Set Aside. These are activities that enhance the knowledge, skills, and expertise of the current workforce to expand or improve the administration of mitigation assistance.
- Mitigation Projects can be submitted under the State/Territory Allocation, and the national competetion. Mitigation projects are cost-effective projects designed to increase resilience and public safety; reduce injuries and loss of life; and reduce damage and destruction to property, critical services, facilities, and infrastructure.
- Management Costs can be submitted under the State/Territory Allocation, and national competition. Management Costs allow FEMA to provide financial assistance to reimburse the recipient and subrecipient for eligible and reasonable indiret costs, direct administrative costs, and other administrative expenses associated with a specific mitigation project or C&CB activitiy.
(Sub-Recipients have the choice of accepting the Managment Cost share directly from FEMA and be responsible for reconciling this cost quarterly on the Sub-Recipient Quarterly Report, or fill out an Opt-Out letter and enter the Management Cost by line item on the application. Please discuss with the Mitigation Office prior to application submittal.)
Application Process - FEMA GO:
- Sub-Recipients will need to submit a Pre-Application Form (Statement of Intent- SOI) for BRIC to the Hazard Mitigation Office. See Pre-Application Form - Statement of Intent Link at the bottom of the page. Deadline for the Pre-Application form is November 30, 2023. If this form is received after the established due date the SOI - Pre-Application Form will be considered late and will not be considered for funding.
- Upon approval of the Pre-Application Form (SOI), eligible Sub-Applicants will be required to submit project applications through the FEMA Grants Outcome (FEMA GO), which is the award management system for BRIC.
- BRIC2023 Application deadline is December 29, 2023. Applications must be submitted in FEMAGo by this date.
- Registering and applying for an award under FEMA GO portal is a multi-step process and requires time to complete. Sub-Applicants should read the registration instructions carefully and prepare the information requested before beginning the registration process provided in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) FY 2023. Note: Reviewing and assembling the required information before beginning the registration process will alleviate last-minute searches for required information.
- The registration process can take a few weeks to complete. To ensure a project application meets the deadline, sub-recipients are advised to start the required steps well in advance of their submission. See links below for BRIC and the FEMA GO Information.
Pre-Application Form - Statement of Intent
Additional Resources for the BRIC Grant :
FEMA - BRIC INFORMATION Social Vulnerability Index - SVI
Community Lifeline Information Application Guide for Energy Projects under BRiC
BRIC - Various Support Resources Technical Guide for Energy Projects under BRIC