Diversions, Expungements, & Dispositions
Diversion allows a charge or charges to be diverted for an agreed upon amount of time once the defendant pleads guilty and agrees to conditions given by the judge.
Once the diversionary period has been successfully completed, the charge or charges can be expunged, but only if the defendant returns to court to request an expungement.
To be granted diversion, you must first request a certificate of eligibility by completing the online diversion application.
The unit is open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. each state business day. Diversion applications are processed in the order in which they are received, and are typically processed within 24 hours of receipt. However, it is strongly encouraged that a diversion application be submitted at least three business days before the court appearance. Requests for expedited processing of applications will likely be denied, as doing so creates further delay to other applications waiting to be processed.
CONTACT: (615) 744-4617
EMAIL: TBI.Diversions@tbi.tn.gov
Expungement removes a charge or charges from a criminal record.
Charges that were dismissed or Nolle Posequi, those in which the Grand Jury returned a No True Bill, or those in which a verdict of Not Guilty was returned by a judge or jury should be expunged at no cost to the defendant.
CONTACT: (615) 744-4617
EMAIL: TBI.Expungement@tbi.tn.gov
A disposition is the final determination made by the court for a criminal charge or charges.
Examples include Guilty, Not Guilty, Dismissed, and Diversion. The disposition is sent to TBI by the county in which the case occurred.
CONTACT: (615) 744-4617
EMAIL: TBI.Dispos@tbi.tn.gov