June 2010
The agenda and docket book material are posted below. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the documents unless otherwise indicated. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may download the free software at Adobe.
Tab 1 - Minutes: December 2009
Tab 2 - TACIR's FY 2011 Work Program: New Legislation Referred to TACIR
- Regional Jail Feasibility Study (Draft)
Tab 4 - Water and Wastewater Treatment Authorities Study
Tab 5 - Building Tennessee's Tomorrow: Infrastructure Report
- Building Tennessee's Tomorrow: Anticipating the State's Infrastructure Needs (Draft)
- Appendices A-C (Draft)
- Appendix D (Draft)
- Appendix E (Draft)
- Appendix F-end of report (Draft)
Tab 6 - Previously Reviewed Mandates
Tab 7 - Underground Utility Damage Prevention Program Effectiveness: Update on One Call Study
Tab 8 - PC 1101 Legislative Update