Issues Studied
The TACIR has demonstrated a remarkable continuity from year-to-year with respect to the intergovernmental policy matters it has considered. While TACIR’s latest publications can be viewed and printed via the TACIR Publications Page, the major focus of TACIR’s research in recent years is listed below.
- Broadband deployment, availability, and adoption
- Education financing and accountability
- Elections
- Fiscal federalism
- Government modernization
- Public infrastructure needs
- Growth policy under Public Chapter 1101
- State and local tax issues
- Payment in lieu of tax agreements
- Annexation and consolidation
- Property assessment
- Protecting boat owners from fraud
- Food deserts
- Illegal tire dumping
- Global position monitoring as a condition of release for defendants accused of domestic violence
- e-Procurement by local governments
- Management of government-owned real property in Tennessee
- Tennessee’s criminal statutes of limitations
The complexity of issues before the TACIR, and the diversity of perspectives with respect to these issues, necessitates extensive study and deliberation. Furthermore, when recommendations are adopted, it may take years to build sufficient consensus to pass legislation resolving the problem.
In general, the TACIR demonstrates tremendous continuity; yet federal, state, or local exigencies often direct the attention of the Commission to critical policy matters not originally included in the work program. The Commission discusses current and new matters during its four annual meetings, and alters the work program and research efforts accordingly. New issues are sometimes generated internally through the initiative of members, but most often new matters are placed before the Commission by the General Assembly.