Rural Community Outreach

Assisting Amish Taxpayers

Employees with the Department of Revenue set up a mobile office at Ethridge City Hall once a month to assist taxpayers in the surrounding communities who may not have access to telephones, internet, or motorized transportation.

There are more than 250 Amish families in the communities surrounding Ethridge, Tennessee.  Many of the Amish are small business owners and must comply with state tax obligations.

This opportunity for taxpayer assistance is not solely for the Amish. Revenue employees are equipped to help anyone in the area with state tax issues.

Where:  Ethridge City Hall
215 Depot Street
Ethridge, TN  38456
When:   The 18th of every month (or the Friday before if the 18th falls on a weekend).
What:   Assistance in State of Tennessee tax matters:  applications, filing returns, correcting delinquencies, updating information, closing accounts, and guidance on specific issues.