Federal Technical Assistance and Training Resources

Effective CVI Models

The National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA)  has created a helpful 4 page overview of the most effective CVI models including

  • Group Violence Intervention
  • Hospital - Based Violence Intervention Programs
  • Violence Interrupters
  • Community Dirve Crim Prevention through Environmental Design


Community Oriented Policing Services under the U.S. Department of Justice has developed a suite of CVI resources targeted directly at law enforcement. 

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has hosted several informational webinars  and created other helpful resources.  The webinars include topics such as:

  •  Community Violence Intervention in Practice (link)
  • Community-Centered Evaluation (link)
  •  Evidence-based Theory and Research on Community Violence Intervention (link)
  • Place-based Approached to Community Violence Intervention (link)

The federal technical assistance and training provider for BJA-funded Community Violence Intervention programming is Local Initiatives Support Corporation

BJA Violent Crime Reduction Operations Guide 

“Explore federal funding opportunities for community violence intervention: https://bja.ojp.gov/funding/O-BJA-2022-171282.pdf