Tennessee Schools Lab Rehab Program

High schools across the country use hazardous substances on a daily basis. Chemistry and biology labs maintain these chemicals to educate students about important scientific concepts; vocational programs use them to train students in important trades such as welding and automotive mechanics. While these substances are a necessary part of education and training, they cause problems when it comes time to dispose of them.

Hazardous waste is any material that contains hazardous chemicals or exhibits a characteristic of hazardous waste (ignitability, corrosivity, toxicity, reactivity). Examples of hazardous waste include mercury, acids, bases, oxidizers, paints, solvents, batteries, pesticides, herbicides, aerosols, and automotive fluids. These wastes can pose a serious health threat to the user as well as the environment when disposed improperly. Proper disposal of these materials can cost up to ten times their original purchase price.

The Tennessee Schools Lab Rehab Program exists to provide schools with an opportunity to learn about chemical safety practices and provide information for a safe disposal of hazardous wastes from public school premises. Public K-12 schools can schedule an online educational event to learn more about the chemicals housed in their classrooms and storage areas as well as the importance of maintaining a safe classroom environment by utilizing green chemistry. During the online educational event, the TSLRP Coordinator will discuss how to properly manage the materials at the school, help the school make the decision on what materials should be safely disposed of, and suggest future chemical purchasing tips to maintain a safe environment for staff and students. We have provided a list of hazardous waste disposal companies in Tennessee that can come to the school for a safe and responsible lab pack. The disposal will remove any unwanted, expired, compromised, or volatile chemicals from the school safely and responsibly by trained experts.  This is a great opportunity to reduce the overall toxicity in classrooms and campuses. 

Below, you will find a list of resources including inventory templates, safe storage and purchasing guidance, and teaching resources for the classroom.

Interested in this service for your school? Contact the TSLRP Coordinator to schedule an online educational event and learn more!

Lydia Suttles
Christina Perez

This Page Last Updated: August 19, 2024 at 9:47 AM