Reuse Program Development

What is Tennessee’s process for developing a potable reuse program?

To enable potable reuse in Tennessee, the State is in the early phases of developing a regulatory framework that considers existing regulatory requirements and includes the necessary technical, public outreach, and operational components for a successful potable reuse program. The regulatory framework is envisioned to include rules for potable reuse, as well as necessary revisions to related rules, design criteria, and guidance for reuse best practices in the State.

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) has created the “Tennessee Water Reuse Task Force” to engage stakeholders in a collaborative program development process and include the expertise of experienced water reuse professionals within Tennessee and beyond.

Who is involved in the Water Reuse Task Force, and how will it function?

TDEC is the lead Agency for the State’s potable reuse program development and is overseeing the facilitation and implementation of the Water Reuse Task Force. The Task Force includes, but is not limited to: TDEC staff, consulting engineers, utilities, the Tennessee Association of Utility Districts, University staff and researchers, and other State Agencies, such as the Department of Health. The Task Force is organized into five workgroups to make progress in distinct areas:

  • Regulatory Framework
  • Public Outreach and Communications
  • Source Water Nexus
  • Advanced Drinking Water Treatment
  • Operations

The Task Force workgroups will meet independently on a recurring basis to ensure consistent progress and will occasionally report out to the full Task Force on their respective areas of work.

What has the Tennessee Water Reuse Task Force done?

Tennessee’s potable reuse program is actively under development. This section will be updated with relevant information and materials related to Task Force activities.

August 2024 – TDEC held a kickoff meeting with Task Force participants on August 27-28, 2024. The meeting established the group’s objectives, enabled connections among participants, and set the stage for progress.

Questions about potable water reuse in Tennessee may be sent to

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This Page Last Updated: January 2, 2025 at 8:24 AM