Emerging Contaminants
Clean Water State Revolving FundEmerging Contaminants
Clean Water SRF
Intended Use Plan
Emering Contaminants
Clean Water SRF
2024 Priority Ranking List
Annual Report
Congress allows the state flexibility to design a program tailored to meet the needs of the state, local communities, and publicly owned stormwater and wastewater treatment works. The primary goal of the SRF for Emerging Contaminants in Tennessee is to provide financial assistance in the form of grants and technical assistance to communities for the identification, assessment, and remediation of emerging contaminants in their wastewater and stormwater systems. The focus is on ensuring water quality for all TN residents.
Who is Eligible?
Funding is allocated to states, who then will award the funds to eligible entities. Eligible entities are dependent on the project type and may include: municipalities, inter-municipal, interstate, or state agencies; nonprofit entities; private, for-profit entities; watershed groups; community groups; homeowner’s associations; and individuals.
What are Eligible Activities?
Eligible projects must be eligible under CWA section 603(c) and have the primary purpose of addressing emerging contaminants. Projects may include but are not limited to, construction of publicly owned treatment works, nonpoint source projects, national estuary program projects, decentralized wastewater treatment systems, stormwater projects, water conservation and efficiency, watershed pilot projects, energy efficiency projects, water reuse projects, security measures, planning, and technical assistance.
Ask.SRF@tn.gov |
This Page Last Updated: September 30, 2024 at 4:49 PM