Clean Water Priority Ranking List
The CWSRF’s Priority Ranking System Rules, Chapter 0400-46-01, set forth the criteria and procedures for ranking proposed wastewater treatment and stormwater projects. The Priority Ranking System forms the basis for eligibility and the allocation of CWSRF loans from the SRF Program.
Only those proposed projects identified on the SRF Priority Ranking List are eligible to receive financial assistance for the planning, design, and construction of wastewater and stormwater facilities. Each project's priority rank is generated from specific priority ranking criteria, and the proposed project is then placed on the CWSRF Priority Ranking List.
To be placed on the PRL, applicants must submit a questionnaire to SRF that includes a detailed description of the proposed project, need for the project, location of the project, estimated total project cost including all other funding sources and amounts, and the estimated construction start and end dates.
This Page Last Updated: September 30, 2024 at 5:07 PM