Sampling and Analysis Training


Introducing DSWM’s Sampling & Analysis Training  (SAT)

TDEC's Division of Solid Waste Management (DSWM) has initiated new training programs aimed at elevating our commitment to quality and technical consistency both internally and with the regulated community.

DSWM offers two introductory courses for the Sampling & Analysis Training program:

Environmental Media Sampling & Analysis Training is an "environmental sampling 101" course introducing participants to:

  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control
  • Sampling Planning and Equipment
  • Interpreting Laboratory Reports
  • TCLP Testing and Hazardous Waste Characterization                                                       
  • Recognizing “Bad” Data

Course participants will be able to:

  • Plan a rudimentary sampling event
  • Evaluate environmental data quality
  • Scrutinize data at all points of generation from planning to laboratory reporting

This course has two modules constructed around standard methods and practices of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM):

  • Soil Sampling Methods and Applications
  • Soil Testing Methods and Applications

These modules focus on:

  • Subsurface investigation
  • Geotechnical testing for soil characterization
  • Hydrogeological Investigation methods for DSWM permit applications.

Course participants will have an introduction to:

Basic soil classification taxonomies Subsurface drilling methods

  • Soil sampling methods
  • Rock coring methods
  • Borehole Logging
  • Field soil and rock classification
  • ASTM soil testing methodologies

Both are day-long courses designed to provide an industry-standard introduction to the fundamentals of sampling planning, analytical testing, quality assurance and data interpretation in the areas of environmental media and soil characterization for construction purposes.  Course content is specifically related to DSWM rules and guidance expectations.

Scheduled SAT Training for the Regulated Community

Environmental Media Sampling and Analysis Training

Not available at this time.

Rebekah Earl

This Page Last Updated: July 9, 2024 at 7:40 PM