Endangered Plant Dealer License

  • Who Needs One?

Any nursery farmer who desires to sell or export Tennessee listed endangered plant species must obtain a license.

What Information Must I Provide?

Applicants must submit "Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Natural Areas Application for Endangered Plant Dealer License" (Form CN-1334). Applicants provide information about the business name, address, and telephone number as well as the applicant’s name, home address, and telephone number.

Form Description & Number

How Will My Application Be Processed?

Completed application forms should be sent to the Division of Natural Areas. Upon receipt of a complete application form, the Division will send the applicant the license. The applicant must validate the license by signing it and sending a copy to the Division. The license expires on December 31 of each year and shall be renewed annually by the Department unless the nursery farmer is found in violation of TCA 70-8-301 et seq. or related regulations.

What Fees Are Required?

There is no fee for the Endangered Plant Dealer License.

What Are My Rights and Responsibilities After the Permit is Approved?

The applicant is responsible for complying with the state laws and departmental rules governing the collection and propagation of rare and endangered plants. Nursery farmers engaged in taking any endangered species from land other than their own must obtain written permission to do so from the landowner. Nursery farmers must keep accurate records of listed endangered plant species that are purchased or acquired and species that are sold or disposed of. They submit this information in an annual report to the Division of Natural Areas by January 31 each year. Nursery farmers must retain copies of the annual reports for three years. These records must be available to Department staff at the nursery’s place of business upon reasonable notice.

What Are the Division’s Rights and Responsibilities After the Permit is Approved?

The Division of Natural Areas is responsible for reviewing and maintaining data included in the Tennessee Endangered Plant Reporting Form (Annual Reports). The Department may conduct announced or unannounced inspections of a nursery’s current stock of wild and/or propagated endangered species. The Division has the right to revoke, suspend, or deny the issuance of a permit to nursery farmer who violates the state statutes or departmental regulations. Any person violating the provisions of the state statutes or departmental regulations is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable under the general laws relating to misdemeanors.

Whom Do I Contact For Applications, Assistance and Other Information?

  • Applicants may obtain applications and information from the Tennessee Division of Natural Areas.
  •  For information on Federal requirements see US Fish & Wildlife Service links below.

Applicants may refer to the following publications for further information:

State of Tennessee

US Fish & Wildlife Service