Air Quality General Permits

General permits are single permits issued by the Technical Secretary of the Tennessee Air Pollution Control Board for a specific type of facility. They look like traditional permits, but are not issued to a specific facility. Sources can choose to be covered under a general permit, if eligible, or they can request a traditional permit if they prefer. General permits can act as both construction and operating permits, eliminating one step from the current permitting process. Facilities wishing to be covered by a general permit will submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the Technical Secretary requesting coverage. Lists of facilities who have submitted NOIs for construction or modification under a general permit will be published on TDEC’s website at least monthly. This is necessary to satisfy the requirement for public participation in the construction permit process, and is not required for sources only needing an operating permit. Eligible sources will be issued a Notice of Coverage (NOC). General permits will be renewed every ten years, at which time NOC holders will need to apply for coverage under the revised permit.

Eligible facilities can contact the Division of Air Pollution Control or the Tennessee Small Business Environmental Assistance Program for additional information.

Form Description Form Number Instructions
Notice of Intent General Permit- Dry Cleaner Sources CN-1501 (APC 201) N/A
Notice of Intent General Permit Concrete Batch Plant CN-2844 (APC 203) N/A
Notice of Intent General Permit Nonmetallic Mineral Crushing and Sizing CN-2857 (APC 204) CN-2857 (APC 204)

Active General Permits

Source Category Permit Number Issuance Date Expiration Date
Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners G00001 February 2, 2017 February 1, 2027
Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners G00002 February 2, 2017 February 1, 2027
Concrete Batch Plant with emissions less than 10 tons per year G00003 March 12, 2024 March 11, 2034
Nonmetallic Mineral Crushing and Sizing Operations  G00004 April 18, 2024 April 17, 2034