Tennessee Infrastructure Scorecard

This scorecard is a useful tool for water and wastewater utilities interested in benchmarking system performance in three key categories: financial, managerial, and technical capacity. Last year TDEC SRF partnered with the TN Association of Utility Districts (TAUD) to develop a tool that communities and funding agencies could use to identify opportunities and challenges for small system improvements. The scorecard is particularly useful for small and disadvantaged systems when pinpointing cost-effective areas of focus, yearly trends, and reaching financial balance.

Cities, counties, and utility systems seeking State Fiscal Recovery Funds through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) will be required to submit a completed Scorecard with their funding proposal. TDEC is working with our partners, TAUD, to update this Scorecard and improve the customer experience.

(Please note that Scorecard Version 1.0 dated October 2020,  does not satisfy the ARP proposal requirements. All systems with this version completed will need to revise their information and provide a Version 2.0 with proposal submissions in 2022.)

This Page Last Updated: September 7, 2023 at 10:17 AM