Interstate Compact for Juveniles FAQ
The Interstate Compact for Juvenile (ICJ) provides the only legal means of transferring the supervision of youth, who are on probation or parole (aftercare) from one state to another and returning runaways.
Youth who are on probation or “parole (aftercare)” in Tennessee and need to relocate to another state, must request a transfer through their juvenile probation officer, Family Service Worker (FSW) or juvenile court in Tennessee. Once the receiving state agrees to the transfer request and supervision, the youth is approved to relocate and be supervised in the other state.
Youth who are on probation or “parole (aftercare)” in another state (sending state) and need to move to Tennessee must ask their juvenile probation officer, FSW or court to submit an application for services and request that Tennessee accept their transfer and agree to supervise them. Once the request for transfer and supervision is approved by Tennessee, the youth may relocate.
The requests must be submitted to the ICJ Office 60 days prior to the youth’s anticipated move or release date from a residential commitment program.
The Tennessee juvenile probation officer, Family Service Worker (FSW) or court must maintain contact with the youth until supervision is accepted in the receiving state.
To maintain uniformity with other states, any youth committed to a residential program or released in the community on after a custody episode or conditional release is considered as a “parolee (aftercare)” youth.
No parolee (aftercare youth) shall relocate out-of-state prior to receiving an acceptance notification from the receiving state.
Yes, youth must ask the juvenile probation officer, Family Service Worker (FSW) or court for a travel permit and the officer, FSW or court personnel will submit the request to the ICJ Office prior to the youth relocating or visiting another state.
A travel permit can be active for up to 90 calendar days.
Out-of-state runaways can be released to a parent/guardian within 24 hours with proper identification as long as the youth/s have no pending charges. After 24 hours, the youth/s shall be held in secure facilities. The youth must have a hearing before a judge after 24 hours to receive their due process rights and agree to Consent for Voluntary Return of Runaway, Escapee or Absconder wavier (Form III). (OJJDP exception for secure detention:
Once the youth and judge sign the voluntary waiver (Form III- Consent for Voluntary Return of Runaway, Escapee or Absconder), the home/demanding state has five business days to return the youth.
A non-delinquent youth runs away to another state; a youth is an escapee, absconder, or accused delinquent and flees to another state; or a youth under Compact supervision has a failed placement.