Your Responsibilities as a Parent or Guardian
Whether your child is at risk or coming into care, or in DCS custody, here are your responsibilities as a DCS Client:
- Parents are responsible for providing all relevant information to DCS.
- Inform the Court and your Family Service Worker of any special needs. This includes current or chronic health conditions, information about school and education and any family customs or cultural practices important to your family or your child.
- Attend all Court hearings and team meetings.
- Cooperate with your Family Service Worker.
- Participate in developing your child’s permanency plan.
- Participate in the services that are offered and work on your child’s permanency plan, including all duties the Court may order you and other family members to complete.
- Attend health and medical appointments with your child when feasible. Consent to medical treatment for your child. Attend family therapy when prescribed and participate in your child’s treatment plan.
- Stay in touch with your Family Service Worker. Be sure that the worker always has your current address and telephone number.
- Provide you child’s Family Service Worker with information about your progress towards the goals stated in your child’s permanency plan and any changes in your life.
- Stay active and involved in your child’s life.
- Visit and communicate with your child as agreed upon.
- Communicate any concerns that you have to the Family Service Worker or to your lawyer.
- Pay child support.