Customer Relations
The staff who work for the Department of Children’s Services Customer Relations Unit listen to concerns, answer questions and address a variety of problems for the benefit of children each year.
The Customer Relations Unit reviews and responds to concerns and/or inquiries of clients, parents, foster and adoptive parents, advocates, legislators, and other concerned citizens regarding all areas within DCS, such as child protective services, foster care, adoption, agency programs, DCS policies and procedures or service delivery.
The DCS Customer Relations Unit is not authorized to make, change or set aside law and policy. The Unit can take the appropriate action to aid in the resolution of a specific issue or systemic problem.
Contact the DCS Customer Relations Unit
Toll-Free: 1-800-861-1935
Customer Relations Unit
UBS Tower, 7th Floor
315 Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN 37243
Contact the DCS Commissioner directly at
If you believe a child has been abused or neglected, please call the Tennessee Child Abuse Hotline at 1-877-237-0004 and report the abuse. Or click here to do so online.
The Hotline is available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.