Tennessee Government Leadership Black Belt Program

Tennessee Government Leadership Black Belt Program

The Black Belt Program is a self-directed, structured development opportunity for leaders in Tennessee State Government. Leaders begin their journey upon graduation from one or more of the DOHR-sponsored statewide [LEAD TN, Tennessee Government Executive Institute (TGEI) or Tennessee Government Management Institute (TGMI)] or agency-specific (HR Masters, Green Leadership, or Commissioner´s Academies) leadership programs. Alumni may continue their journey of leadership development through participation in the Black Belt Program.

There are six levels of the Black Belt Program: White Belt, Yellow Belt, Orange Belt, Blue Belt, Green Belt, and Black Belt. To advance from one Belt level to the next, participants must earn the specified number of points in Strategic Development and in Service. At the initial Belt levels, Strategic Development is the most emphasized component because personal learning is fundamental to professional development. As participants advance through the belt levels, Service (both internal to state government and external to the community) becomes the more emphasized component, recognizing the importance of paying it forward and investing and focusing on others.

Achievement Levels



Participants must complete the number of Strategic Development and Service points as indicated in the graph above. Strategic Development points are earned by completing activities such as training, leadership development programs, seminars, webinars, conferences, etc. Service points are earned by completing a balance of internal service and external service activities. A total of 500 points is required to earn a Black Belt.