Tennessee Geological Survey
The mission of the Tennessee Geological Survey is to encourage and promote the prudent development and conservation of Tennessee’s geological, energy, and mineral resources by developing and maintaining data bases, maps and technical services; providing accurate geologic hazard assessments; and disseminating geologic information through publications and educational outreach activities.
The Tennessee Geological Survey is the lineal descendant of the first Tennessee Geological Survey that was established in 1831. It is thus one of the oldest geologic service and research organizations in the country. The survey advises other state agencies and federal and local organizations on matters relating to Tennessee geology.
The Survey’s Nashville Region Geologist covers Middle Tennessee, and our Memphis Region Geologist covers West Tennessee. Each regional Geologist covers mapping, subsurface geology, and technical support. A regional office in Knoxville serves East Tennessee.
The Survey conducts research on the geology and mineral resources of Tennessee and makes the resulting scientific and technical information available to the public through the maps and publications.
The Survey curates a large collection of historical documents relating to the geology and mineral resources of Tennessee. These include maps, reports, field observations, drillers logs, etc. organized in collections by theme. Collections are searchable and most items can be viewed and downloaded.
Tennessee has a history of mining more different kinds of mineral resources than any other state east of the Mississippi River except North Carolina, dating back to the late 18th century.
Updated 01-2020
The Gray Fossil Site is located in Washington County near the community of Gray, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Transportation geologist Larry Bolt first noticed the unusual geology in excavations during realignment widening of State Route 75.
These photomosaics were made during construction of the new route of TN52 between Celina and the Overton County line in Tennessee. They include interpretations of deep water channels filled with crinoidal limestone that are excellent examples of point bar-like deposits in a deep water setting.
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This Page Last Updated: May 24, 2024 at 3:59 PM