Your organization can utilize our Mobile American Job Center as a testing site for administering the HiSET® Exam.
- Only organizations (Jails, Chambers, Civic Groups, Faith Based, etc) can book the mobile unit for a HiSET.
- You must have a group of test takers already in place
- The test date must be booked no less than 30 days in advance in order to utilize the mobile units as a testing site.
- If you have more than 6 test takers, you will have to provide additional testing space in a facility. This facility will need to be inspected by our Career Coach Coordinator prior to approving the additional test takers/space.
- Each Mobile American Job Center (East, Middle, and West) will only be able to book 2 testing dates per month.
Book the Bus as a Testing Center
- To utilize the Mobile Career Coach Unit as a testing center for your organization, register online.
- Once you book the Coach as a test site, you’ll need to follow the instructions to the HiSET website to register for the test.
Register with HiSET®
- Follow the prompts that lead to the HiSET site to register/book the actual test.
- All Test Takers must be registered with HiSET no less than 10 days prior to the test date.
- The organization must utilize the voucher process with HiSET to pay for the test in advance of the test day or utilize other direct payment methods with HiSET. The Career Coach staff will not be collecting or charging fees.
- Once the booking organization completes the full registration and payment process, HiSET will send an admin code that each test taker must have in order to take the test. HiSET will send the code to the Regional Career Coach Coordinator. The Coordinator will provide the code to the point of contact with the organization booking the test.
- The Admin Code from HiSET will be provided to the Mobile Unit Coordinators which will in turn provide to the coordinator of the organization booking the Mobile Unit for testing.
Currently the Career Coach Units will only be offering HiSET in the paper form.
For more information on the HiSET process in Tennessee visit http://hiset.ets.org/requirements/tn.