Update on Jobs4TN.gov Service Outage
Since Sunday, June 26, the Department of Labor and Workforce Development (TDLWD) has been working with Geographic Solution, Inc. (GSI), the vendor that operates Jobs4TN.gov, to navigate a system outage at the company’s network operations center that took Jobs4TN.gov offline.
TDLWD notified unemployment claimants, and stakeholders, Sunday when it became apparent the system outage could last for an extended time. The Department has provided the latest information available since that then.
TDLWD continues to work with GSI to ensure Jobs4TN.gov is back online as soon as possible so it can once again deliver critical services to Tennesseans.
The president of GSI issued a statement Wednesday evening regarding Tennessee’s system outage.
Statement from Geographic Solutions, Inc.
Paul Toomey, President
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
5:33 p.m. CDT.
“We recently identified anomalous activity on our network, and immediately took the Jobs4TN system offline to halt the activity. With the help of third-party specialists, we are conducting a full investigation to determine the cause and scope of the incident. That investigation is still ongoing, and we are taking steps to help prevent this from happening again. Our current focus is working around the clock to bring Jobs4TN back online. We anticipate that this will occur prior to the July 4th holiday.“
The latest information from GSI indicates no personal data was accessed, and no data was removed from its network operations center.
While these are the initial findings of GSI’s investigation, the company continues to evaluate this matter and will notify TDLWD of any new developments.
TDLWD will release additional information regarding the service outage when it is available.