Statement on Service Outage
Geographic Solutions (GSI), the vendor that operates, notified the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development (TDLWD) Sunday afternoon about a service interruption that impacted its network operations.
This outage sent, the state’s unemployment system and labor data exchange, offline.
Tennessee, and systems in approximately three dozen other states, were impacted by the problems GSI experienced with its equipment.
Monday, GSI met with TDLWD and state IT officials to provide an initial overview of the issues at its network operation centers and continued those conversations throughout the day.
Tuesday, TDLWD leadership continued communications with GSI and the United States Department of Labor about the service outage.
GSI is working 24 hours a day to bring back online.
Until resumes normal operation, TDLWD cannot access claimant data to make weekly unemployment benefit payments.
Approximately 12,000 Tennesseans rely on the unemployment program each week, as well as citizens using the workforce development aspects of TDLWD leadership understands the importance of the programs accessed through the system and their impact on Tennessee’s workforce. Job seekers can still take advantage of services at one of the 80 American Job Centers across the state.
The Department will distribute benefits as soon as possible, right now there is no timeline as to when that will happen. Once the system is operational, claimants can complete their certifications for any missed weeks, and they will receive a lump sum for any delayed payments.
Individuals who need to file a new unemployment claim need to wait for further instructions on how to apply once the system is operational.
As soon as more information is available, TDLWD will release additional details. Look for the latest information on TDLWD’s website,, and its social media pages.