Where Employers Find Qualified Applicants

Lower Unemployment Rates Create Difficulties in Finding Workers
Monday, March 21, 2016 | 04:00pm

NASHVILLE – Tennessee’s February unemployment rate was half a percentage point lower than the previous month. Fewer people out of work, coupled with continued job growth in the state, have created a problem for many Tennessee employers.

“As the state’s unemployment rate continues to decline, employers are telling us they’re having a difficult time finding workers,” Commissioner Burns Phillips said.  We encourage employers to post their job openings on the web site and to search there for workers to fill those jobs as they will find over 133,000 job seekers currently registered.

The counties surrounding Nashville have the largest concentration of job seekers. There are also large numbers of job seekers in the Knoxville area, Shelby County, as well as in the northeast corner of the state. 

The counties with the fewest numbers of job seekers are located along the Kentucky and Mississippi/Alabama borders of Tennessee.

Over 96% of the registered applicants on have a high school equivalent education, or higher.  In fact, almost 60% of these  job seekers possess completed or partially completed post-secondary education.

The site is a free service provided by the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

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