March 25, 2022 Letting

** Beginning in 2022 TDOT will be utilizing AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor (CRL) as a requirement of contract compliance for submitting and certifying contractor payrolls. Special Provision 107CP will be added to ALL CONTRACTS this year using this new functionality, which will be required for the prime contractor and all subcontractors.  The Certified Payrolls Webpage will give the contractors guidance on steps they need to take to begin this functionality in AASHTOWare.  If you have any questions, please visit our website or contact us at**


Contract Awards - Updated 04/22/22

Summary of Bids - Updated 04/22/22

Apparent Bid Results - 03/25/22

Notice to Contractors - 02/25/22

Joint Notice to Contractors - 02/25/22

Instructions to Bidders

Bid Authorization Form

Proposals & Bid Files on Bid Express (Official Bid Files)

Bid Files (For Information Only) - Updated 02/28/22

Quantities (For Information Only) - Updated 02/28/22

DBE Interested Parties List

Certification Regarding Subcontractor Bid Quotes (Bidders list) - Updated 03/29/22

DBE Utilization Memo - Updated 04/26/22

TDOT no longer sells printed plans.  All plan sets can be downloaded, free of charge, from the E-Plans Room.


**Notice of Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting for CNW075 Knox Co.**


**Notice of Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting for CNW055 Shelby Co.** - Revised 03/02/22

CNW055 Shelby Co. Pre-Bid PowerPoint - Posted 03/08/22

CNW055 Shelby Co. Pre-Bid Sign In Sheet - Posted 03/08/22