June 18, 2021 Letting

**With the May 2021 Letting, TDOT will begin the utilization of AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor (CRL) as a requirement of contract compliance for submitting and certifying contractor payrolls.  To reach a wide range of different users, this new requirement will only be required on two contracts per region for this letting (as listed below). We will slowly increase the number of contracts this special provision is included on for each remaining letting throughout 2021 such that we anticipate all contracts let beginning in 2022 will have this requirement.  We are adding the new Special Provision 107CP to the contracts that are to be using this new functionality, which will be required for the prime contractor and all subcontractors on the selected projects.  The Certified Payrolls Webpage will give the contractors guidance on steps they need to take to begin this functionality in AASHTOWare.  If you have any questions, please visit our website or contact us at TDOT.CONSTRUCTIONLaborUsers@tn.gov.**

        CNV077 Coffee Co.
        CNV184 Roane Co.
        CNV218 Fayette Co.
        CNV221 Knox Co.
        CNV222 Lawrence Co.
        CNV225 Smith Co.
        CNV231 Putnam Co.
        CNV236 Carroll Co.


Contract Awards - 07/02/21

Summary of Bids - 07/02/21

Apparent Bid Results - 06/18/21

Supplemental Notice to Contractors - 05/28/21

Notice to Contractors - Revised 05/21/21

Notice of Intent to Advertise - 5/20/21

Instructions to Bidders

Bid Authorization Form - Updated 05/28/21

Proposals & Bid Files on Bid Express (Official Bid Files)

Bid Files (For Information Only) - Updated 05/28/21

Quantities (For Information Only) - Updated 05/28/21

DBE Interested Parties List - Updated 06/11/21

Certification Regarding Subcontractor Bid Quotes (Bidders list) - Revised 06/18/21

DBE Utilization Memo

TDOT no longer sells printed plans.  All plan sets can be downloaded, free of charge, from the E-Plans Room.


A pre-bid meeting for prime/joint venture contractors on Call 013 CNV208 Hamilton Co. was held on May 26, 2021 from 10:30 A.M. – 11:30 A.M., CST via remote conferencing. Participation in the remote conference was mandatory as part of the special pre qualification requirements for prime contractors. Subcontractors were encouraged to participate but will be permitted to work as a subcontractor on this project if  they were unable to attend.

CNV208 Hamilton Co. Pre-Bid Meeting PowerPoint