Title VI - Training
As a direct recipient of federal assistance, the Tennessee Department of Transportation is required to comply with Title VI laws, related statutes and regulations. It is necessary that any agency receiving federal and/or state financial assistance from TDOT, receive training on transportation related Title VI laws and regulations.
The 2024 Virtual Title VI training schedule is listed below. You may register your Title VI Coordinator by using the online registration form (link below) or contacting us directly.
Each session consist of three components, which include: Overview & Compliance, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), and Environmental Justice.
2024 TDOT Civil Rights Division Virtual Title VI Training Schedule
All sessions will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at approximately 11:30 a.m. Central Standard Time virtually.
Note: Chattanooga and Knoxville are Eastern Standard Time.
August 21, 2024
November 13, 2024
To register for training, click here.
For more information, contact us at (615) 741-3681 or toll free at (888) 370-3647.
Online Training
One of the requirements for an entity to be in compliance with the TDOT Title VI Program is that the Title VI Coordinator has participated in a TDOT Title VI Training Session within the past three (3) years. An online training option was developed as a way to offer a more timely and expedient way for the requirement to be met.
Online training is composed of two (2) parts, a PowerPoint tutorial and a Pass/Fail test. You must score in the 90th percentile to pass the test and receive an automatically-generated certificate of completion for your records. It is our intention that the PowerPoint tutorial will provide you with the necessary competencies to understand and apply the Title VI guidelines as outlined.