System Level Fiscal Capacity for Funding Education in Tennessee
Workshop for State Agency StaffFebruary 24, 2005
Tab 1: System-level Fiscal Capacity for Funding Education in Tennessee (Word)
Tab 2: Evolution of System-level Prototype Fiscal Capacity Model (Word)
- System-level Fiscal Capacity Models, Past and Present (Excel)
- Prototype System-level Fiscal Capacity for FY 2004-05 (Excel)
Tab 3: Regression Analysis (PowerPoint)
Tab 4: Responses to State Board of Education Staff Questions (Word)
- Comparison of System-level Model Results (Excel)
- Prototype with Collapsed Tax Base (Excel)
- Prototype with Collapsed Tax Bases with Logged Property and Sales (Excel)
- Prototype with Collapsed Tax Bases with Outliers Removed (Excel)
- Summary Output for county-level Fiscal Capacity for Fiscal Year 1992-93 (Excel)
- Summary Output for County-level Fiscal Capacity for Fiscal Year 2004-05 (Excel)
Tab 5: System-level Fiscal Capacity Prototype Profiles 2005
Alphabetically by School System