October 2013
Tab 1 - Minutes of August 2013 Meeting
Tab 3 - Outside Water Rate Setting
Presentations on Legislation Concerning Water and Sewer Rates for Non-Residents of Cities (House Bill 600 by Hill, T.)
- Representative Timothy Hill
- M. Dennis Peterson, City Manager, Johnson City
- Bart Kreps, Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc.
- Joyce Welborn, Legislative Auditor, Comptroller of the Treasury
- Bob Freudenthal, Executive Director, Tennessee Association of Utility Districts
- Alan Major, Finance and Accounting Consultant, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Tab 4 - Insurance versus Surety Bonds Legislation
- Attachment A - The Public Officials Bond—A Statutory Obligation Requiring "Faithful Performance," "Fidelity," and Flexibility
- Attachment B - Risk Management Tools in Other States' County Government
- Attachment C - Questions Regarding Senate Bill 624
Presentations on Legislation Concerning Insurance in Lieu of Surety Bonds (Senate Bill 624 by Norris)
- John Evans, President, Next Generation Underwriters, Risk Management
- Brian Offmeister, Director of Policy Analysis, Department of Commerce & Insurance
- Joyce Welborn, Legislative Auditor, Comptroller of the Treasury
- Sarah Hiestand, Senior Counsel, Attorney General's Office
- Jack Spann, President, Spann Insurance
- Becky Brock, Director of Members Services, Local Government Insurance Pool
- John Calvin, Director of Underwriting, TML Risk Management Pool
Tab 5 - State and Local Government Transparency—Final Report for Approval
- Memo to Commission
- Government Transparency: Can One Size Fit All?
- Appendix A - Government Transparency Legislation
- Appendix B - Persons Interviewed
Tab 6 - Municipal Boundary Changes and Comprehensive Growth Plans (Public Chapter 441, Acts of 2013)—Draft Report for Review and Comment
- Memo to Commission
- Municipal Boundary Changes and Growth Planning in Tennessee (Draft for Commission Review and Comment)
- Appendix A - Bills Included in Study
- Appendix B - Comparison of Other States' Laws
- Annexation Methods
- Detailed Summary of Annexation Methods
- Annexation by Consent
- Notice of Annexation
- Public Hearings and Informational Meetings
- Plan of Services
- Annexation of Agricultural Land
- Deannexation
- Mutual Corporate Boundary Adjustments
- Merger of Cities
- Growth Planning
- Amending Growth and Comprehensive Plans
- Appendix C - Growth Policy and Annexation Legislation 1993-2013
- Appendix D - Local Option Sales Tax Hold Harmless Payments Expiring 2014-2027
- Economic Indicators: Analysis of Fiscal Impact by Annexation Method