Tax Manuals

The information provided in the Department’s tax manuals is general in nature. The opinions expressed in the manuals are informal and do not constitute a revenue or letter ruling pursuant to the provisions of Tennessee Code Annotated § 67-1-109. Future amendments, court decisions, regulation changes, or other factors could change the opinions expressed in the manuals.

The Department updates its tax manuals in June and December of each year to clarify existing guidance, provide additional guidance, or address law changes resulting from new legislation or litigation. In order to provide guidance in the interim periods, the Department will regularly update this section with information that will be included in upcoming manuals. And like the guidance contained in the manuals, the information contained in this section constitutes “published guidance,” as defined in Tenn. Code Ann. § 67-1-108.

Upcoming Updates

Page 180 of the Sales and Use Tax Manual will be updated to state that admission fees or cover charges to enter a nightclub or bar that provides entertainment, such as live music, karaoke, or trivia, are subject to sales tax.

Overview of Recent Updates to the Tax Manuals

Click here for an overview of current updates to the Department of Revenue's tax manuals.  Updates are predominately based on changes in Tennessee law pursuant to the legislative session, as well as opportunities for improved clarity or expanded guidance.