35 Federal Historic Preservation Fund Grants Awarded In 2021
By Claudette Stager
Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) grants totaling over $925,000 have been awarded for historic preservation and archaeological projects this year. The 2022-2023 grant cycle opens in December and closes in January.
Grant recipients, listed by county:
Bedford County
Bedford County
$26,637.60 to fund the restoration of windows at the Bedford County Courthouse (National Register-listed in the Shelbyville Courthouse Square Historic District).
Bell Buckle (CLG)
$6,000 to fund an alleyway master plan.
Davidson County
Metro Historical Commission (CLG)
$37,042 to survey historic rural
cemeteries in the county.
Cheekwood Botanical Garden
and Museum of Art
$26,025 to fund restoration of historic stone steps at National Register-listed property.
Edgefield Baptist Church
$40,000 to fund restoration of stained-glass windows in the historic church
(National Register-listed in the Edgefield Historic District).
Grainger County, City of Rutledge
$33,240 to fund restoration of the
National Register-listed Nance House.
Henry County, City of Paris (CLG)
$24,660 to fund restoration of 3 classrooms in the National Register-listed Paris Academy (Lee School).
Lincoln County,
Fayetteville-Lincoln County Museum
$15,000 to fund a restoration plan an unused portion of the museum
(National Register-listed as Borden Powered Milk Plant).
McMinn County, Town of Englewood
$30,000 to fund the first phase of restoration of the National Register-listed water tower.
Morgan County, Christ Church Episcopal
$16,836 to fund restoration of stained glass windows and for fire protection measures for Christ Church Episcopal in Historic Rugby.
Obion County,
Westover Center for the Arts
$24,000 to fund mothballing the historic building until a new use is found.
(National Register-listed in the Washington Ave and Florida Ave Historic District).
Roane County, City of Harriman (CLG)
$15,000 to fund updating the survey of two National Register-listed historic districts.
Sevier County,
Sevier County Heritage Museum
$42,120 to fund interior restoration and fireproofing of the museum
(National Register-listed as US Post Office – Sevierville).
Shelby County,
Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church
$20,000 to fund restoration of windows
(National Register-listed in the Glenwood Historic District).
Warren County,
Tennessee Division of Archaeology
$10,500 to fund an archaeological
survey of National Register-listed Cardwell Mountain.
Weakley County, City of Martin (CLG)
$18,000 to fund an update of design guidelines for historic districts in the city.
White County, City of Sparta (CLG)
$12,000 for locally designated historic district design guideline updates.
Williamson County
City of Franklin (CLG)
$12,000 to fund the restoration of markers in the in the National Register-listed Rest Haven Cemetery.
City of Franklin (CLG)
$$6,750 to update the National Register nomination for the Lewisburg Avenue Historic District.
Wilson County
City of Lebanon (CLG)
$30,000 to work with Lebanon and Wilson County Black History Committee to fund restoration of the barrel vault ceiling of the National Register-listed Pickett Chapel.
City of Lebanon (CLG)
$8,940 to work with History Associates of Wilson County to fund restoration of the National Register-listed Fite Fessenden House.
City of Lebanon (CLG)
$12,000 GPR survey for the National Register-listed Rest Hills Cemetery and the historic Greenwood Cemetery.
City of Lebanon (CLG)
$24,000 to update design guidelines for historic districts in the city.
Multi-County Grants
Tennessee Division of Archaeology
$50,000 to fund a position for archaeological review of Review and Compliance/Section 106 projects.
Middle Tennessee State University
$3,541 to Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, Tennessee Archaeology Week posters
$50,000 to Fullerton Laboratory for Spatial Technology, survey data digitizing and data entry for computerization of survey files.
Development District Preservation
Specialist Staffing
$42,000 to East Tennessee
$35,000 to First Tennessee
$25,000 to Memphis Area
$36,000 to Northwest Tennessee
$50,000 to South Central Tennessee $54,000 to Southeast Tennessee
$42,000 to Southwest Tennessee
$40,000 to Upper Cumberland