Frequently Asked Questions

Board of Nursing Frequently Asked Questions


1.    How do I find information regarding APRN supervision?

FAQs for Physician Supervision of APRNs may be found at:  

2.       How do I expedite my application for licensure?

For the quickest possible processing times, follow the instructions carefully.

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) for tips to expedite processing your application.

RN-LPN Exam Application Instructions

3.       How do I change my name?

Please complete the application and follow instructions found at:

4.       How do I change my address?

Login at  

If moving into or out of Tennessee, complete and submit a Declaration of Primary State of Residence Form.

5.       How do I get verification of licensure as part of an application for Tennessee RN or LPN licensure by endorsement?

Go to and click on Nursys Licensure Verification. Follow the instructions. There is a $30 fee paid to Nursys.

For states not participating in Nursys Licensure Verification, go to

6.       How do I get verification of an APRN certificate for licensure in another state?

Put your request in writing to the Board of Nursing. Include the $25 verification fee paid by check to the Tennessee Board of Nursing. Mail the request and fee to Tennessee Board of Nursing, 665 Mainstream Drive, Nashville, TN 37243.

7.       How do I get verification for a foreign country (e.g. Visa Screen)?

Put your request in writing to the Board of Nursing. Include the $25 verification fee paid by check to the Tennessee Board of Nursing. Mail the request and fee to Tennessee Board of Nursing, 665 Mainstream Drive, Nashville, TN 37243.

8.       How do I verify the status of a Tennessee license? (Also see question # 1)

You may verify the license of any health care practitioner Tennessee via our website at:

Tennessee Board of Nursing has designated NURSYS as a primary source
equivalent. For additional information regarding nursing licensure
status and discipline in other states, go to

9.       How do I retire my license/certificate?

Please complete and submit an Affidavit of Retirement.  This form is available on the Board website at:

Please note your retirement will be effective the date the completed form is received and verified in our office.

10.   How do I reinstate my license/certificate?

Please login to your account at: to complete and submit a reinstatement application along with the required fee payment and supporting documentation.

Reinstatement instructions for Registered Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse:

Reinstatement instructions for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse:

11.   How do I obtain a criminal background check?

For instructions to obtain a criminal background check, please go to:

For applicants living out of state, please note that results are typically received quicker if fingerprints are electronically scanned; therefore, if you are going to be in Tennessee anytime during the application process, it may be to your benefit to schedule a fingerprint scan rather than submitting a fingerprint card.

Continuing Competence, Practitioner Profiles, Collaborative Agreements and Continuing Education for Controlled Substance Prescribing & Opioid Guidelines

12.   What are the continuing competence requirements for nurses?

For a table containing continuing competence requirements for APRNs, RNs and LPNs, go to:

Audits of continuing competence are conducted each month.  Do not submit documentation unless and until requested to do so during an audit.  You must retain documentation of attendance and completion of all continuing education courses for a period of four (4) years from the end of the calendar year in which the course is completed.

13.   How do I add, modify or terminate a supervisory/collaborative physician?

APRNs who prescribe are required to have a supervisory/collaborative physician and update information within 30 days of a change.  You will find the application on the Quick Start menu at:  Be sure to notify your supervisory physician that you have submitted an APRN Supervisory Request so that he/she can login to his/her account and approve the relationship.  Instructions for approving supervisory/collaborative relationships are available for physicians at:

Alternatively,  the APRN may submit a completed and signed Notice & Formulary:

14.   How do I update my Mandatory Practitioner Profile?

You must update your Mandatory Practitioner Profile within 30 days of a change. Go to:

15.   Where can I obtain continuing education for controlled substances prescribing with Tennessee Chronic Pain Guidelines?

Find the Chronic Pain Guidelines continuing education information at:

16.   Where do I find information on Tennessee Board Approved Refresher Courses?

For information on refresher programs go to:

17.   Where do I find information on IV Therapy courses for LPNs?

Find a list of IV Therapy courses for LPNs at:

Mailing Lists

18.   How do I obtain a list of health professionals?

You may obtain health professional licensing reports at:

Complaints & Monthly Disciplinary Action Report (DAR)

19.   How do I file a complaint against a nurse?

20.   How do I access the Monthly DAR?


21.   What does the Board of Nursing charge for licenses and other services?

Find the Board of Nursing fee schedule at:

Law, Rules, Board Position Statements and Guidelines (including Chronic Pain Guidelines)

22.   Where can I find the law and the rules of the Board of Nursing?

For Board of Nursing law and rules, go to:

For position statements and guidelines, go to:

Nursing Education (Schools, NCLEX® Pass Rates and Guidelines for New Schools)

23.   Where can I find a list of Tennessee Board of Nursing approved schools of nursing?

For LPN, RN and APRN schools of nursing, see:

24.   Where can I find the NCLEX® pass rates for Tennessee nursing programs?

For NCLEX results by profession, year and school go to:

25.   Where can I find nursing education program annual reports?

For data from three years of approved school annual reports go to:

26.   Where can I find Tennessee GIS workforce data?

The Board of Nursing offers a Geographic Information System (GIS) application to analyze workforce based on nursing licensure data. Approved nursing programs can also be queried and mapped on the GIS application. Go to:  

27.   Where can I find information about the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC)?

For information regarding the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) go to:

28.   Where can I find information to begin a nursing program?

For steps necessary to start a new nursing program go to:

29.  How do I sign up for primary source Nursys e-notify to look up, verify and monitor nurse licenses anytime?

Don’t ever let your license or the license of a nurse you employ or supervise expire with reminders from Nursys. For individuals and employers go to: