Emergency Medical Services

Run Data Reporting


Tennessee Emergency Medical Services Information System (TNEMSIS) was developed through a collaborative effort with NEMSIS (National Emergency Management Services Information System) and the Tennessee EMS Data Committee in an ongoing effort to collect accurate data. TNEMSIS has been revised to correspond with the current NEMSIS data standard v3.4.0.

The purpose of the TNEMSIS Elite pre-hospital electronic patient encounter data collection system is to electronically accept, validate, maintain and report on statewide incident information.

Historically, EMS in the state of Tennessee is mandated to provide information on every ambulance call (incident/encounter) to which they respond. Currently, the Tennessee State Department of Health, Office of EMS is utilizing an ImageTrend database system to collect and store pre-hospital patient care encounter data. This data is received by electronic submission to EMS, directly or through an imported .XML file. The system validates the records from the submission and generates any exceptions for quality assurance review.

The TNEMSIS Elite system will replace the existing EMITS system used to maintain incident encounter information.

Quality data collection is key to local and state-wide system development as it enables Tennessee to continually improve our EMS system, measure processes and make improvements for the overall health of all Tennesseans receiving EMS pre-hospital care.


National Data Set: